Chase's eyes widen and he runs a hand through his hair. "You mentioned his father?" He spits incredulously. 

What was going on?! "Yeah," I answer slowly. "Should I have not?" 

Chase lets out a low sigh, and then swallows hard, his adam's apple bobbing. "Cass," he says, and I can tell he's trying to keep his voice steady. "Taylor's father bailed on him. He left his family." (Gif on the right---->).

Chase's words dawn on him and I feel terrible. "Oh my god, I'm such a freakin' idiot! I have to apologize to Taylor-" 

Chase snorts. "That's the last thing you want to do. Taylor hates that man and hates when people know what happened. He also hates pity. And you won't find him." 

"Why didn't you tell me before? I wouldn't have mentioned it!" I almost shout. Taylor probably hated me now! Smooth move there, Cass, talking about his terrible dad! 

"Because it wasn't my story to tell!" 

"But you said that his father helped you out!" 

"He did. But that was before. A long time ago, Cass." 

I rub my temples, trying to process this information. "What happened? To Taylor's dad." 

"I can't tell you," Chase winces. 

"Chase! Just tell me! I won't tell another soul, please! You can trust me! I just need to know!" I beg, hands clasped. 

Chase closes his eyes, sighing. "Okay. Fine. His mom passed away when Taylor was 14, a little bit before his dad helped me out. Brain cancer. Taylor's dad was never the same, going to alcohol to solve his problems. Taylor used to sleep over almost every night," Chase gives me a small, faraway smile, remembering. "And then, bam. One day, Taylor's dad picks up and leaves." 

"And what about his sister?" 

"Jenna? She was 18 at the time so she got legal custody of Taylor. Plus, family members helped them out and they had trust funds. She raised him for a bit, but then left, wanting a career. Taylor lives alone and Jenna sends him checks once a month." 

"My god," I manage to squeak out at the end. How does Taylor even remain sane? I felt a wave of gratitude for my parents, despite how they were constantly at work before. 

Chase nodded. "Yeah. Taylor's had kind of a rough life. But he's still Taylor, just a little rough around the edges. But you can't tell him." 

I nod fervently. "Of course. Cross my heart and hope to die." 

Taylor was all alone in the world. 


Taylor doesn't show up for the rest of the morning and at lunch, Aunt Kathy approaches me. "Where's Taylor?" 

"He, uh, isn't feeling too well. He's probably at the cabin," I cover for him, trying not to let my guiltiness show. I was the one that made him run away. 

Aunt Kathy nods, then walks away. 

Exhaling, I see Alex again and sit down next to him. "Do you have a minute?" 

He glanced at me, then sighed. "Fine." 

Suppressing the urge to do a happy dance, I led Alex outside. "So," I kicked at the ground. "I understand that I'm an immature, selfish kid who took this pranking thing too far." 

There was silence and I looked up at Alex, who was staring at me with a grimace. "I understand that I was a total douche for what I said. And how I've been acting." 

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