Chpt # Louisa.....

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Jean's POV

"You guys!! Jump off at once!!" shouted the Garrison guy.


No....I won't survive this if I stay. Before I jumped off, I look back at Reiner one last time.

He wouldn't let Louis die....yes, he'd make sure she survive. For now I'll have to entrust Reiner in this even if I don't want to, tsk.

I landed back to my horse safely and ran away as fast as I can....either way...I won't go back empty handed. I promised to bring back matter what. I don't care if Levi likes Louis or if she likes him too....I wouldn't risk her in the hands of that bastard Reiner!!

When I knew we were far enough away from the titans, I turned around and what a sight I saw. The Armored Titan was being attacked by the titans, as Ymir did her best to kill them by biting off their napes.

"What is this? Is this hell?" I asked.

"This is the Beginning!!" Commander Erwin shouted.

Suddenly he charged at the titans "ALL UNITS CHARGE!!" he shouted.

"The fate of mankind's existence will be decided by this moment! Without Eren, the future where mankind can inhabit this earth will never come!!" he explained.

"Will take back Eren and Louis and return at once!! Put your hearts to the task!!" he shouted.

immediately Mikasa, Liyah and Shinami went on ahead.


This is not only for humanity.....but for Louis...yes...for her!

We all charged at the Titans

3rd POV

(DK-yosh! time for my narrative skills!)

And so, the Survey Corps without thinking about the outcome, they ran towards the Armored Titan who was immobile from the grasp of the hands and teeth of wild titans.

Reiner struggled to even fight back on the grasp of the titans because he couldn't let Berthold, Eren and Louis get caught in danger. Even if Ymir tried her best to keep them from all of them being devoured it wasn't enough.

"What happened just now?What's going on!?" Eren thought. Tied up behind Berthold's back, couldn't even struggle for escape for he wouldn't only hurt Berthold but Louis as well as she was being carried by he's arms.

"I can't move... I have to shake them off, otherwise things will only get worse and worse...then..." Reiner thought.

He had to do something and he had no other choice, he removed his hands that covered Berthold and the other two, then he shoved away the titans as fast as he can as Berthold was under his chin.

"Hang in there Berthold, just a bit longer!" Reiner thought and punched a Titan that are ones that bit his head aggressively.

"There it is!" Jean shouted.

Just above them, they saw an opening to strike. Berthold was under the Armored Titan's chin with the other two.

"He released his hands!! Now is our chance!" Mikasa shouted.

"Oi, Mikasa ?! Can't you see the titans all around? Would anyone be able to get even over there??" Jean asked.

Still they continued to advance towards the titans. Even if fear overwhelmed them their determination moved them forward to risk their lives no matter what. Other titans noticed them that they turned their backs and thought to slaughter the humans instead.

My Dearest Sister [UNDER RE WRITING]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz