2. Search Party

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J.K.Rowling owns the wonderful Wizarding World and all that it entails,  she owns all original characters... But I'm going to claim the plot and Will.


William reached the end of the first carriage very frustrated; so far the students had laughed and sent him on his way instead of helping him. He had turned up at each cabin optimistic that the students would treat him more sympathetically, now however he was cursing himself for being so naïve. He continued into the second carriage not really looking where he was going as his eyes were cast down, not at all aware of his surroundings. That is until he collided with another student and the air was punched out of both of their lungs as they both backwards onto the floor.

"I'm so sorry." Will said at the same time the boy opposite him asked, "Are you alright?" They chuckled and stood up brushing the dust off themselves. The boy standing opposite him was a very similar height, thin but also couldn't be seen as gangly. He had this air of confidence that surrounded him but he didn't seem arrogant. His hair was currently gelled back over his head and a very light shade of blonde, his eyes were a silvery blue and his skin was so pale he almost looked sick.

"Sorry," Will repeated, "I wasn't looking where I was going."

"It's alright." The platinum haired boy said cheerfully. "I wasn't really looking either... Are you alright? You seem quite distracted."

"I'm looking for my cat," Will said sorrowfully, "I put her down to wave goodbye to my Mum and I don't know where she's gone."

The boy frowned before putting a reassuring smile on his face. "I'll help you find her, don't worry. And I'll get my friends to help, let's go get them." He said walking along the corridor and a few cabins down, he opened the door to three more boys and two girls. "I'm Scorpius by the way, and this is Dante," he pointed at a dark skinned boy closest to the door who gave him a curt nod, "the girl sandwiched between Dante and Henry is Velma," Velma gave him a small smile and Henry waved, "and on the other side we have Elisabeth and Philippe. We're all starting our first year." Scorpius grinned.

"Hello I'm William, but most people call me Will. I'm also starting my first year."

"Will's lost his cat, so we're going to help him find her." Scorpius informed the others; the girls stood up immediately and started going on about the 'poor cat' and how Will must be 'worried sick'.

Dante eyed Will with his arms and legs crossed, making no motion that he was going to get up. "That cat means that much to you?"

Will and the girls gave him an incredulous look. "Of course she means that much to me, Inky was an early birthday present from my mother. And even if she didn't mean that much to me, I can't exactly go around not worrying that there's a cat that might be in danger." William threw his hands around to emphasise his point.

Dante scoffed, "That's Gryffindor and Hufflepuff talk." William clenched his hands, he wasn't sure he liked Dante.

"Hey!" Henry cried indignantly.

"There's nothing wrong with that." Scorpius quickly said trying to prevent an argument from starting, shooting Dante a glare. "Dante are you going to help or not?"

Dante nodded in response, "It can't hurt to have another set of eyes."

"What does Inky look like?" Velma asked, smiling up at him. Velma was about half a head shorter than Will with dark blonde hair that fell down her back in smooth ringlets; her eyes were pools of the clearest blue seas.

"She's a completely black kitten, no spots, no patches. And she's about the same length as our charms book." Will said simply.

"Oh she sounds adorable." Elisabeth squealed, darting out the door to find this cute kitten pulling Velma with her. Elisabeth was almost Velma's opposite; she was quite a petite girl with straight black hair, grey eyes and a slightly puggish nose that actually suited her.

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