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J.K.Rowling owns all original characters from the Harry Potter Books and Movie Franchise, as well as the wonderful world that is the Wizarding World. I lay claim to the plot, William and any other characters that did not originate in the marvelous Ms Rowling's imagination.

For the purpose of this story James's and Scorpius's births happened in late 2001/early 2002. Just because I can... and I thought its suits this story better, you'll see why later... maybe. So I'm also moving up Albus's and Lily's birth years to 2003/2004 (Albus) and 2005/2006 (Lily).

The year is currently 2012... if any of you were wondering...

Hope you enjoy it!


William hugged his mother as hard as he possibly dared, not wanting to harm his mum. Neither of them could believe that this moment was finally here, he was finally going to Hogwarts - an event that he both really looked to and dreaded, Hermione just dreaded it. They had just put Will's luggage in the baggage carriage and the moment just seemed to be getting closer and closer. Hermione's eyes shined with tears as she returned the hug, never wanting to let her precious boy go but unfortunately the ten minute warning whistle was blown and she had to tear herself away.

"Have you got everything?" She asked, trying to keep the tears in her eyes.


"If you've found that you have left something at home, let me know and I'll owl it to you as soon I can. Don't want you to-"

"Mum, I'll be fine."

"I know." She sniffed. "I just- I want everything to go fantastically for you." She looked him over, as if she were trying to find any injuries when really she just wanted to reassure herself that he would be okay. He was a little bit taller than average for an eleven year old, with a skinny frame but he couldn't quite be seen as gangly. She looked into caramel eyes so similar to her own; they too held the undeniable look of a thirst for knowledge that she still has to this day. A stray strand of smooth brown hair fell into his face prompting her to tuck it behind his ear, a habit she'd developed when he insisted on having hair down to his shoulders when he was six.

"And it will." He smiled at her, before turning to Ginny and Harry who were saying goodbyes to James. James was currently trying to get his mother to stop kissing him, Albus and Lily laughing hysterically at his embarrassment - not realising that they would go through the exact same treatment when it was their turn to brave the halls of Hogwarts. "Goodbye Uncle Harry." He whispered as he gave him a rather large hug. "Look after Mum for me please, I don't think she'll take me leaving very well."

"I'll look after her," Harry promised, "But I need you to do the same thing for James, Will." Will nodded.

No sooner had he stepped back from the hug was he tackled by Ginny, who then started attacking him with her kisses, not wanting to let him go anymore than Hermione did as he was like a third son to her. "Keep yourself safe, Will." She said when she finally released him, allowing Albus and Lily to then say goodbye and give him a quick hug.

Ron crouched down put his hands on both James's and Will's shoulders. "Listen here you two, I heard that the Malfoy kid is also starting school today and I don't want to hear of the two of you making friends with that lot, alright?" James nodded eagerly, always wanting to impress his Godfather. Will didn't respond and his face gave away no emotion, he'd like to figure out what sort of kids he wanted to become friends with by himself thank you very much.

"Ron!" Hermione exclaimed exasperatedly before swiping the back of his head with her hand.

Ron ignored her and pulled the two boys into a hug. "Look after yourselves."

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