How Part 2

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How Pisces Show Affection

You need to show a Pisces you really care and once you do they're totally invested in you. They love to do all the cliché things, like holding hands in public, kissing hello and goodbye, and writing you sweet little love messages. Pisces love love and they're all about showing their affection through as many ways as possible.

How You React When Your BFF Doesn't Text You Back

*tries to give them the silent treatment but ends up wanting their best friend even more*

How Pisces Can Effectively Shut Down Anxiety

Because you have escapist tendencies, you think the easiest way to combat your anxiety is just to avoid it all together. What you need to do is look your fears in the face, refuse to let them hold you back, and to keep going after what you want in spite of how afraid you may feel. As scary as that seems, it's way less scary than sitting around and realized you've let your whole life pass you by because you were too afraid to do anything.

How To Know Someone Is Beginning To Fall In Love With You

A Pisces will either tell cute, funny stories, or they will be obnoxious with their humor. It is very easy for them to get carried away and spend an hour telling something that loses its comedic appeal very early on.

How You'll Become Rich

You'll create viral artwork. Whether it's a popular book, song, restaurant or craft of another kind, Pisces are born artists. They're often content to make almost no money as long as they get to do work that seems meaningful and makes them happy. Even Pisces with professional jobs feel most themselves when work is over and they get to work on the side project they're truly passionate about. This is why most successful artists are Pisces: whether the money ever comes or not, they'd be doing the same thing.

How You Attract People

We are drawn to Pisces people because they are the quiet sidekick we all are desperate for. They make us feel like stars and secure in their dependable, loyal love. They are sensitive, loving people who care deeply about their relationships without ever being showy or dramatic about it. We should all be so lucky to count them as our loved one.

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