Chapter 10: Boo!

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Warning: mild language.

April 22. 9:00am


"Anything he can do I could do dumber!..."

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I moved a little to turn it off, not realizing I had Anthony's arms around me. "Oh my god..." I muttered to myself, facing him and blushing. I examined his calm, beautiful face, as the sunlight shone upon him. I moved a stray portion of hair out of his face. From this morning on, I wanted-

"Boo!" he blurted out laughing, while moving his hands to scare me, which actually made me jump from my laying down position. 

"Holy crap, you scared me!" I chuckled, playfully hitting his shoulder, laying back on the bed again. "I know. I look like a monster in the morning." he joked. "No you don't, how long have you been awake?" "Your alarm woke me up a little, I just pretended to sleep to scare you."


"Dammit Anthony." you laughed, suddenly realizing how close you two were, and how his arm was now around your waist. He smiled and looked deeply into your eyes-

"Awww." Ian smirked, looking through Anthony's slightly opened door.

You and Anthony quickly turned to glare at Ian, whose face turned from "Awww" to "Oops".

"Umm, I-I made breakfast?" he said, getting ready for Anthony to scold him later.

"Okay, we'll- I mean, I-I'll follow." you stuttered.

Ian left, and you realised you had no clothes for after showering. "Um, Anthony..." you looked at him. "Oh uh, I just realized, there were some clothes Kalel left when we broke up... I don't think she wanted them back, so you can use and have any of them." he assured you, coincidentally thinking what you were thinking. "Oh and yeah they're washed."

'Mind reader' you thought to yourself.

So that happened. There were two bathrooms, so you and Anthony both had vacant bathrooms where you could shower separately. 

You dressed into some extra underwear, a random grey t-shirt, some high-waisted ripped jeans, and the white vans you wore the previous day. 

You then, dried your hair with the hairdryer and applied your makeup, thankful that you brought your makeup bag everywhere. You looked at yourself in the mirror one last time, then walked out the bathroom and into the dining room.

"Daaaamn Daniellll!" Ian sung pointing at your shoes, while Anthony just stared at you from head to toe. "Wow, bacon and eggs!" you said, breathing in the amazing smell while sitting down next to Anthony.


After that delicious breakfast Ian whipped up for us, we hung out on the couch while Ian was in the bathroom. 

"Y/n?" Anthony softly said. 


"If it's okay with me asking, what did your ex-boyfriend do for you to get a dream like that?" 

"I... uh." "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked-""No it's okay," I say as I regain myself.  "Aiden and I have been together since high school, 4 years. I helped him get into his dream company, leaving me unfocused on myself, causing me to get low marks in college and almost drop out of it. Now I'm struggling with finding a stable job..." 

"That's horrible in itself already!" Anthony exclaimed."That's not the worst part. We've been through rollercoasters together... believe me I loved the guy with all my heart, but then I found out he was cheating on me the other day." 

"I swear I'm gonna murder him!" Anthony stood up, furious."No Anthony that's illegal." I joked, lightening up his mood. 

"I know better now, and that's all that matters."

"It's just... a little bit harder to trust anyone after being betrayed like that..." I trailed off, "but I'm willing to make an exception for you guys." "Is it cause you think you're our biggest fan?" Anthony smirked. "Oh you wish!" I joked. We laughed.

Soon minutes became hours, and hours became days.

~3 days later~

"Hey Y/n, wanna go grocery shopping with Ian and I? - Anthony"


"Anthony, look at all the snaaaacckkss!!!"

"Jeez Y/n, when was the last time you left the house aside from visiting Bf/n?"

"Um... like four days ago?"

You and Anthony chuckled. You played around, driving your cart, while following Ian and Anthony through each aisle.

"Y/n, look at this watermelon! It reminds me of you," Anthony laughed. I walked to him to see him holding two watermelons. This small one is you, and this big one is me.  "Atleast it's a pretty one unlike that one," I clapped back playfully. Anthony chuckled, "Let's put it in the cart then."

Just as Anthony placed them down, you received a call...

from the hospital.

Fools: Anthony Padilla x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя