"Hello . Shoe sizes ?"-The girl asked 

"Size 7 for the lady"-Ivory smiled 

"Okay and you sir ?"-The girl asked giving you your shoes 

"11"-Ivory said 

"Here"-The girl smiled

"Thanks"-You and Ivory said

"No problem have a good time"-The girl said 

"Aye do you wanna order any food ?"-Ivory asked

"Yeah sure . Some fries please"-You said grabbing a bowling ball 

"Drink ?"-Ivory asked

"Sprite"-You cheesed

"Cool . Wait up I'll be back"-Ivory said

"Ight"-You said and sat down .

Ivory soon came back with some food and drinks 

"Okay I am ready now"-Ivory smirked 

"Well ma nigga, I was born ready"-You said sizing him up 

"Watch and learn little girl"-Ivory said grabbing a ball 

"Mhmm . I'm watching"-You smiled 

"BAM ! A strike . Let's see what you got lil mama"-Ivory smirked 

"Oh shut up "-You laughed and walked up 

"OMG YOUR GONNA MISS !"-Ivory said trying to distract you 

"Nigga stfu damn boy"-You said 

"Yeah let's see then"-Ivory said

"Huh ? Who missed ? Because by the looks of it - it seems like (YFN) got a strike"-You rubbed it in is face 

"Mhmmm let's see"-Ivory chuckled 

Y'all continued playing and having a good time , totally loosing track of time .

"Haha I won !"-You rubbed it in his face 

"Oh well it's because I let you"-Ivory sighed

"Yeah sure"-You said

"What time is it ?"-Ivory asked

"10:45 pm"-You said 

"We need to leave"-You said 

"Oh okay"-You said

"Let's go and return the shoes"-Ivory said

"Yeah"-You said 

Y'all went to go and return the shoes then eventually made your way back to the hotel

"So did you have a good night ?"-Ivory smiled 

"Yeah it was nice meeting you again and everything"-You smiled back 

"Thats good . Well imma leave you see you later"-Ivory said

"Yeah I'll talk to you later"-You waved 

"Cool bye"-Ivory said

"Bye"-You said before walking inside 

"AHHHHHHHH !!!"-Kim and Jade screamed 

"Woaahhh damn "-You said holding your heart 

"Sooooo"-They said 


"Sorry"- They apologized 

"Anyways it was cool "-You smiled 

"Awww where did he take you ?"-They asked 

"Bowling alley"-You said

"Just that ?"-They asked 

"Yes remember we was just hanging out ?"-You said 

"Ohhh  yeah"-They said

"Yeah but obvioiusly I won"-You smirked

"You sure that he didn't let you win .. On purpose ?"-Jade asked

"Uhh, Yeah I'm sure"-You said 

"Mhmm"-They both said 

"Come on guys !"-You said 

"Haha we were just playing with you"-Kim said 

"Yeah but Imma go and take a shower quickly"-You said 

"Yeah . The boys want us to come over because it's movie night"-Jade said 

"Umm okay"-You said 

"Yeah . We aint too happy about it either"-Kim said 

"Haha but be right back"-You said before taking off 

You stepped into the shower and let the hot steamy water stream down your body while you was washing yourself when something popped into your mind . 

Today was the anniversary for you and Chres .

You quickly turnt off the shower and dried yourself off before lotioning and putting on a t-shirt and some sleeping shorts . 

"Whats wrong ? Why you rushing ?"-Jade asked

"Today is the anniversary for me and Chres' marriage "-You paced up and down 

"Wait what ?"-Kim and Jade both said 

"Yes . Yes !"-You said 

"So what are we gonna do now ?"-Jade asked 

"Now when I think of it , I really don't know why I was panicing the whole time . Chres didn't do nothing for me it doesn't look like he gave a damn"-You said 

"Thats true"-Kim and Jade said 

"Exactly"-You agreed 

"So are we still going or nah ?"-Kim asked 

"Yeah . Just because we aint talking to them doesn't mean that we gonna miss out"-You laughed 

"Cool let's go then"-Jade said 

Yall knocked on the door and Prince opened up .

"Hi girls"-Prince smiled 

"Hi afro puff are we done here ?"-You asked stepping in followed by the girls 

"Rude much ?"-Prince asked 

"Yall came ?"-Prod asked 

"Well .. We are here right ?"-Kim asked 

"Anyways . What are we watching ?"-You asked 

"What do yall wanna watch ?"-Ray asked 

"We don't care"-Jade said 

"Mhmm"-You said laying on the couch 

"Love & Basketball ?"-Chres asked 

"Ughhh just put in the damn movie"-You rolled your eyes 

"Damn sorry"-Chres said and put in the movie 

"Girl move up"-Jade said 

"Sorry"-You said and moved up 

During parts of the movie you and Chres would just glance at each other . Even thoug yall didn't wanna talk to each other, yall loved each over just didn't wanna admit it . 

You went to the bathroom quickly but only to get stopped by Chres on the way out .

Love & Betrayal . (A Trilogy to The Maid)Where stories live. Discover now