"Uhhh okay then." 

       Trevor grabs all the bags at once and heads out side. Kara watches in amazement until Trevor was out the door and out of sight before heading over to where the couch was. There was no way she would have been able to do that. It would have taken her at least two trips. 

        She didn't realize just how tired she was until she let her body relax into the soft cushions of the couch. As soon as Kara sat down, her head instantly found the arm of the couch and before she knew it her mind was enveloped in darkness.

        There wasn't much left to clean up outside so Trevor quickly picked up everything, threw all the trash away and headed back inside. He wasn't a regular at hosting parties and so he hadn't expected to still be cleaning past midnight. There had been more people than he had originally invited, most being his workers, but it seemed like everyone had fun so all in all, everything had been great. Well except for the little accident involving Roxy and Kara.

        Kara. Even if things had gone terribly bad, Trevor wouldn't have mind because thanks to this party, he got the chance to meet her. He hadn't found much time to get to talk to her as much had he wanted, but at least now that they've been introduce, he had a feeling that he would be seeing a lot more of Kara. And oddly enough, he was quite excited.

        Compared to the other girls at the party. Kara was very different, but a good different. First of all, she had been properly dressed, which shows that she had some respect for herself. Second, she had great manners not only to others but to also stay and help clean up instead of going home along with the rest of the party. And third, Trevor very much enjoyed the shyness that Kara has shown him so far. He was going to have a whole lot of fun teasing her in the future.

        Trevor came back inside hoping to see Kara still loitering around or at least sitting at the table, but she was no where in sight. Maybe she went home already. She did look really tired, he thought to himself. It would not surprise him at all if she had left without saying goodbye; she just seemed like the type to disappear on you like that.

        Making one last round to the living room, Trevor had to cover his mouth with his hand to stop himself from making any noise. "Whoa," he finally lets out after the initial shock. "I guess you didn't leave yet huh?"

        There in front if him was Kara sleeping in a fetal position with both her hands under her cheek as some sort of cushion. Time froze as Trevor took in the sight of Kara sleeping. She looked so comfortable you would have thought that this was her home. 

        As he continue to look at her, he was shocked to find out just how interested he was in her. Kara was definitely not the type of girl that he would have paid any attention to if he was to have seen her on the streets. 

        1) She was Asian and shorter than all the girls he has dated in the past. He has nothing against height or race, he's just never dated anyone as short or of a different race.  

        2) She was not super model thin, but then again, it wasn't like he minded. Especially now that he was looking at Kara because she was well toned and had just the right curves to drive any man crazy. 

       3) She was really modest and shy. The girls that he has hung out with in the past have always been a bit wild and obnoxious. Which probably explain why he never did like to be in their company much.

        "Well I can't just leave you here, now can I?" Even though she seemed to fit perfectly on the couch, Trevor wasn't going to leave her there. He had watched Kara all day as she had helped Natalie refill things that needed refilling and clean both outside and inside until everything sparkle. You must be exhausted. Now, where to put you? He thought for a second before finally deciding.

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