The Life In The Asylum: Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to My boyfriend Jakob

-Time Skip-

***11 Years Later***

Roseanne's P.O.V

I shuddered, I wanted to rip my hair out! I looked up at the room around me, it was kinda nice. Except for the dull colored walls. I heard the man next door screaming at the top of his lungs, he had night terrors all the time. But, it wasn't really too bad as I had been here for about 8 years with the same neighbor. I remember faintly of coming here as a child, in fact, I didn't even remember my parents. As I heard the door unlock I tilted my head up, seeing the younger looking waitress, Dineice, she was nice and always brought me my dinner. "That man must drive you nuts next door." I shrugged and looked to see she had slipped me a few chocolate chip cookies and a small muffin. I nodded, "thanks Dineice. I don't know how I would be able to keep my sanity.. But, my memory is faint.. How did I even end up in this place?" She sighed and sat down on my bed, I sat on the cushioned floor, looking at her with curious eyes. "About 11 years ago, you were brought here, you were brought in from the doctors office a few miles from here. It was Dr. Salsberry, he had figured out you were diagnosed with schizophrenia, which, quite frankly was odd for you to develop it at the age you were then.. Being only 5, you were quite out of it and didn't know what happened out of your own little world. I took you in but, the owner died and his cruel son took over, demanding he lock you up and not let you out with the other inmates, I protested as you posed no threat. Well, you began to grow up and it has been many years since you have seen anyone outside of the asylum. Although, I overheard a new volunteer was coming in to help me around so, maybe you can be friends with him." I looked to the floor, "I'm not to good with other people.. Except for you.. The one who cares!" My temper was out of line and I looked away, staring aimlessly at the wall, tears springing into my eyes and I burst into sobs, mustering out before I tilted my head up, staring into oblivian and having a blank stare, the voices spoke to me, I continued to listen, my ears tuned out everything but, those voices sounded to make a warning, they said Roseanne, Dineice is not the only one who cares, your parents still miss you and love you but, heed this warning... You will meet someone who will change your life dramatically. I snapped out of it, Dineice had seemed to of been shaking me for a while, her eyes were wide with concern and she ended up hugging me tightly, "Maybe I should ask if you could get out of here.. You don't snap into those trances as much as you used to when you were about 6 they happened every few hours for an hour. So, your lucky but, what did they say?" I spoke softly, with a small shudder, "They said that my parents still miss and love me but, then they told me that I will meet someone who will change my life dramatically....." Dineice shuddered, "I'm surprised you haven't gone completely mad! That would drive me crazy! Your strong young Roseanne..." I smiled and hugged her, before noticing the door open, a tall, tan skinned boy came in, he was a bit taller than me and seemed about my age. He had blonde hair and wide, green eyes, his face held no pimple, I waved shyly and Dineice snickered softly, "Ryder, meet Roseanne... Roseanne meet my new helper and nephew, Ryder.." I smiled and shook his hand, "Hi.." He responded in a deep and seemingly southern accent, "Howdy.. So your Ms. Roseanne Parks? One of the youngest girls to be sent to a asylum and might I say, you do not seem psychotic.." I kinda felt comforted around him, even though he knew probably everything.. "I think everyone knows my name..." He chuckled heartedly and smiled, he had straight and white teeth. "I will be your new personal assistant.. I was sent all the way from Texas to help you recover from your schizophrenia, wow thats hard to pronounce... So, what is that exactly?" I spoke "It's where I snap in and out of reality because I hear voices in my head and I can't hear anything outside of me, Dineice told me my pupils dialate and I get a blank expression on my face but, I've never seen myself.. Usually it sounds like a raspy, manly voice but, occasionally I can hear a women's voice faintly. Sometimes I think it's my ancestors warning me..." I said it all in one breath and panted in exhaustion, he nodded acknowledgingly and smiled softly, "And that doesn't effect you at all?" I shook my head, I had learned to tolerate it, being in the same room and asylum for nearly 12 years... Dineice smile faded and she heard someone call her name "You two can head into the gym near the kitchen, we may be a place of crazy people but, we don't hesitate to allow some good health.." I nodded after giving her a soft hug, she then shut my cell door and I smiled softly to Ryder, "So, wanna practice in here?" I nodded shyly, "What exactly are we gonna practice?" he thought and spoke, "I'm gonna help you with the ability to snap out of the trance when needed and not them just happen randomly... Now, how often has these trances happen and for how long of time?" I pondered... "Usually I don't count because they happen at random but, my most was maybe 14 in a day and each were for a about 5-10 minute time.. I used to be having it for a few hours and just sit there..." Ryder shuddered, "Wow... That's scary..." I shrugged, "I've lived with it for ever since about I was 4 but, they became more severe at the age of 5 but, I then began to not have almost none at all around the age of 11 and 12.. Then they began at 14 and now I still have them..." I heard the man next door scream and Ryder nearly jumped out of his skin and his face became a pale white.. "What in the name of Mike?!" I began to chuckle softly, "It's ok.. He has night terrors and so, don't be scared.. He does that alot.. Every time he falls asleep or just drifts off into a day dream.." Ryder shuddered harshly, "Wow... And you can sleep with him next door?" I shrugged, "More or less... I can barely sleep since I get more voices at night time with some pretty weird suggestions.." Ryder wrote something down on the piece of paper he had brought with him. "What do the voices usually say to you?" I instantly answered, "It's usually a warning.. Like, if I shouldn't do something.. Before you got here, I had someone say something to me about that my mom and dad still cared... I was shocked but, I overheard that I was gonna get out of here... I hope so though..." Ryder's eyes became soft and I sighed, a single tear leaking out of my eye as I stared at the ground.. Ryder nodded his acknoledgment, writing down some more..

~2 Hours Later~

Roseanne's P.O.V

Ryder and I had been talking for a while, I figured it was a few hours and I heard the voices again, it was that I would have a great surprise supposedly. But, I didn't really pay much attention since I was learning to selectively listen.. I noticed a man in a black tux step in with black shades, he nodded to Ryder and spoke gruffly, "Mr. Ryder, I will have to ask you to leave, as I have to speak with Ms. Parks in privacy.." Ryder looked at me with the same puzzling look I gave him, he gave me a side hug and smiled, walking out. The man closed the door and walked forward, his black dress shoes slightly clicking onto the floor and stopping in front of me, his furrowed brow softened and I noticed he removed his black shades. I looked into his green eyes, brown lining the iris and then a black ring around it. I shuddered, his eyes were full of compassion, he seemed in his mid-40's maybe early 50's. He had brown hair with some subtle signs of gray. I saw him nearly collapse to his knees and he grabbed my hand. Tears nearly pouring from his bloodshot eyes. He looked up at me and smiled, I pulled my hand away and curled into the corner of the bed I sat on and shivered, "Roseanne, my little Roseanne.. It's really you.." I scoot back farther.. "Who are you?! What do you want?" I didn't bother to ask him how he knew my name, everyone knew in the whole state. The man's sad expression became even more upsetting, my stomach turned into a knot, I thought to myself.. 'Is this man more crazy than me?' He gathered himself up to his feet and smiled, "Roseanne.. It's me, your father. I am Talon Parks..." My expression turned into a gaping hole... 'F-Father?!'.


Ooh! Cliffhanger #2 I'm on fire! Hope you liked it! I will try to update it as often as I can :) Follow, Comment, Like etc. Tell what you think of that reunion with Roseanne's dad and her.

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