The Hospital

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P out really badly.My mom came and pick me up.The car was silenł.Dad was already at the hospital.When we we got there I felt weary and my vison was blurry.Its probably because I was crying in the car.When I got in Charlie's room I saw how he had all these things on him.

  "Hey Charlie," I said softly "Oh hey sis." He said.  "Am I gonna die,"he said shackaly
  I didint know what to say.The doctor said he does not have a lot more time.But than the mom and dad came over and I went outside.I went for a little walk.I was just thinking we're am I gonna go after high school I'll be a nobody.I haven't gotten into a school,I have no boyfriend and my brother is dyeing.All a sudden my mom runs out and said "Sweetie,if you want to say goodbye to your brother do it now."I started crying.The doctor didn't want him to suffer through the stage.When I came in I said "I love you,you will always be with me and I'll see you soon."I held his hang and the softer gave him the shot and his grip got lose than I could hear his heart.

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