Chapter 2

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"I'm a puppeteer?" Damian laughed.

"Of course, you pull my strings. I only do the deed," I say calmly even though he seemed to be eternally freaking out but doing a sloppy job at hiding it.

"Fine I'll ask them but maybe THEY won't tell me in riddles and jokes!" I see his confusion quickly turned into annoyance.

"No need for your hostility, I'm only here to do what they want me to do and nothing else in my worthless life matters more," I say setting down the brush and sitting down on my twin size bed.

I hear the buzzer for the door and I look to see who walked in. It was Agent  Kent. He was the one who suggested to the president to take me in. He was also my mentor for some time as well. "Hello Winter, how are you feeling?" he asked

"I'm doing quite well. How are you, sir?" I asked casually, maybe too casually.

"Ah yes, very well. We haven't spoken in a long time, Winter. It was I who was supposed to explain to you but somehow it slipped my mind and Winter and to explain," he explained quickly diverting his full attention to Agent Damian.

"Winter?" Damian asked

"Oh, Winter Claire is her name but around here she goes as Dzuma. So far she is our best project we ever trained even when she came into the project later than others," Kent smiled lightly.

Agent Kent was the only one a could depend on for most of my time here. He would show up randomly to check on me and then leave for a while. He's the only one I truly like here. "Come with me, Damian, I'll explain everything. And as for you, Dzuma, lunch time is upon us. Why don't you run along? I thought I saw Akuma and Klasma down there as well. They are your friends are they not?" he asked pleasantly.

"Of course," I replied ringing the buzzer for the door and almost immediately the door unlocked allowing me to open it at will. 

"Oh and Winter! After you are done eating we have to go over your schedule for your next task," he said happily. I nodded, proceeding my route to the cafeteria.

Damian's P.O.V

After the man explained to me what exactly what they do here he leaned against the table thoughtfully, "Do you understand what you have to do?" he asked gravely.

"Y-Yes but may I know what your name is? I don't think we properly introduced ourselves," I muttered nervously.

He covered his mouth with a gasp as if he had just told a secret, " You're right! My name is  Agent Kent, a pleasure to meet you," he introduced himself sticking his hand out for me to shake it. I noticed how firm and tight his grip was. I was about to pull away from the greeting when he didn't let go. He was suddenly gripping my hand with bone-crushing strength, he pulled me close towards him as I looked him into the eyes. They were colder than before, more dull and lifeless. "Oh and I forgot to tell you. If anything happens to my little girl you will feel an unbearable pain that has not been legal in a very long time. Understand?" he said eerily.

His little girl? Is she his daughter? No, impossible! Who in their right mind would put their child here? These kids kill people. If Dzuma is his daughter then.... I'm pretty much babysitting my bosses daughter! I sighed and I didn't realize Kent was already half way out the door.

"I'll speak with you after Winter is done eating her meal. They should really serve better food here, I'll talk to the others about it, " he laughed as he gestured me out of the room and I quickly closed the door behind me. I wonder who's going to die this time...

Dzuma's P.o.V

I walked down the hall with my 'friends.' None of the kids here have personalities. We just kind of form groups and try to find things we like, but most of the time it's just empty conversation. Going out with friends are just group kills for us. "You guys get any assignments?" Akuma asked breaking the silence.

"Yeah, my new agent and Mr. Kent are going to discuss it with me after lunch," I mentioned.

"LUCKEY! My next mission isn't until next month! It's no fair!" Klasma complained. If she was a normal girl she would probably be super outgoing, super social and by no doubt super popular with her stunning looks, blonde hair and vibrant blue eyes, plus she would most likely have really high grades.

"Well, not a lot of people are eliminated by one with manipulative statistics such as yourself. Maybe you should have thought it through before you made the choice for that kind of trait, It was quite ignorant of you." Akuma cut in. Akuma would've been a person who wouldn't talk much. she would've loved to read books and maybe draw a little. She could even possibly pull off the emo or goth look. Akuma scribbled in her notepad as her hair bounced as she walked and her vibrant green practically stuck to her notes. Our bare feet tapped on the marble floor causing echoes to loop through the corridors.

"I'm not ignorant. I'm not stupid at all!" Klasma muttered.

"I didn't say you were stupid. Ignorant means you don't know. It has nothing to do with stupidity,"  Akuma replied closing her notepad shut.

Then why did you chose the... what's it called? The ninja thing," Klasma turned her head her eyes demanding a response.

Akuma sighed, obviously annoyed," I choose speed and agility. We are not ninjas. That's just a joke Dzuma made!"

"Sorry Akuma, I didn't think anyone would remember that joke," I apologized.

"Nither did I but I guess she did," she gestured her head to Klasma.

"Hey! I'm right here you know!" Klasma frowned as she opened the doors to the cafeteria.

"I'm sorry Klasma, it's not that. Actually, I think you're the smartest out of all of us. You even passed the advanced calculus and algebra with an A+ with the extra credit!" Akuma comforted Klasma who had her arms crossed. 

"You guys got an A too!" she frowned.

"Please forgive us Klasma!" I begged half-heartedly.

Then she jumped up and smiled,"Fooled you guys! And of course, I forgive you! Just don't underestimate me again! Okay!" Not giving us a chance to answer she skipped off to the lunch line. Akuma and I grinned and followed behind her.

(End of Chapter 2)

Project Megalomaniacजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें