Chapter 17 Let's Be Clear

Start from the beginning

I raised an eyebrow. "So... you and Rick..."

She smiled. "Well, I don't think either one of us have ever felt the need to discuss this. We just know that we're committed to each other. We don't label each other husband or wife. I guess you'd say we are living together to put it in terms the old world would understand."

I relaxed a little. "Ok. I just wanted ta make sure that people wouldn't make the assumption that Daryl's announcement means that we consider ourselves married. I mean, it's not that I wouldn't want to be someday..."

Michonne chuckled and nodded. "I get it. Too soon, huh? It's ok. I don't think anyone would make that assumption. And we do have Father Gabriel, so if anyone here ever did decide they wanted an actual wedding, it would be possible now. And people won't jump to any conclusions about your relationship without some pretty solid evidence. You know. Like what those love bites on your neck say." She winked, and my hand flew to my neck.

My eyes flew wide open. "What? You're kidding me? I didn't even look in a mirror before we left the house today. Did he really?"

Michonne nodded and smiled big. "Oh yeah girl!"

I scowled and whispered. "Oh he's so dead! You just wait. I'll get him back!"

Michonne giggled. "I kinda suspect Daryl might have done that on purpose Delilah. You know... he's marking his territory."

I gave it some thought. Given his announcement at dinner tonight, she was probably right. It was kinda sweet when I thought about it like that. But it still made me look like a horny teenager in front of the whole town. But now it totally made sense that Roe had looked at me funny when he walked into the house earlier.

I felt Daryl's hand on mine. "Hey, I hate ta break up the girl talk, but baby girl's gettin' a lil fussy. Do ya want me ta see if I can find some soft food ta feed her, or do ya wanna go nurse her?"

I melted and smiled at him. "She hasn't had any solid food today. Maybe some of the softer venison from the stew if it's chopped up tiny along with some carrots might settle her down. Do you want me ta feed her?"

He shook his head. "Nah, I got it. You relax mama." He got up and walked to the food line. The ladies there all immediately gravitated towards him and started oohing and awing over the baby and offering to help him prepare her a plate.

Michonne nudged my arm with her shoulder, and I turned back to her. "Do you think they're really all making over the baby, or is it the site of the man with the baby that's getting them?"

I chuckled. "Well, I gotta admit... seein' the rough redneck holdin' the baby makes my ovaries hurt!"

She threw her head back and laughed. "Oh girl! You got it bad!"

I laughed along. "Yeah, I know!" I sighed and turned my head back to watch my sexy man walk back to the table with my baby on his hip.

He sat down and started feeding Mercy. He nudged my shoulder with his. "It's good ta see ya laughin' and enjoyin' yourself Doc."

I nodded and smiled into his eyes. "Maybe I feel like I've got somethin' ta smile about. OR... just maybe I'm laughin' cuz I'm plottin' my revenge against a certain redneck who left hickies all over my neck." I winked.

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