Chapter 10 "Back To The Shadows"

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“I wonder what the two of them did the three days they were gone? It’s not like I can just come out and ask them. That and if I did that Midnight would tell me that I’m sticking my nose where it doesn’t belong. Still.... I’d like to get to know those two better, especially Dark. He somehow knows more about this Shadow world than what he thinks he does. He’s somehow connected to it and to her. I wonder if he knows her?”


    Huh?! What? What is it Star, Moon?

    You were staring off into space.

    Where you thinking?

    Yes. I was thinking and sorry. (Looks at watch.) I’m going to go get supper started. Can you two set the table, then go get the others?

    We can..

    ..Do that.

    “Those two can do anything we older kids can. At times I think they act more our age then we do, then again, they are stuck hanging around four older kids in a world sounded by shadows filled with monsters. So yah. I can see them being more grown-up than what they real are.”

    We finished sitting the table.

    Now we’re off to get the others.

    Alright. Supper will be ready in like 20 minutes, so no hurry you two.


    “Looks at the clock as the twins leave the dining/kitchen area and head off to let the others know that supper will be ready soon.) “Its only 5:35. We’re eating a bit early, but no matter. I hope the guys don’t mind homemade beef stew for supper.”

    Hey Blaze.

    Yes Bright?

    Do you need a hand?

    (Smiles.) Think you can whip something up to go with homemade beef stew?

    I think I can whip something up. How’s bread rows sound to you?

    Sounds good. I think there might be some in the freezer, that you can pop in the over.

    I’ll take a look. (Goes to the freezer and pulls out two loaves of bread rolls and gets bread pans ready.) So you want to tell me what’s on your mind lately or why you keep staring at Dark like you do?

    What do you mean I stare at him?

    Ever since we got back from our world you’ve been staring at Dark like your trying to put a jigsaw puzzle together. It’s weirding him and the rest of us out a bit.

    Sorry. I don’t mean to freak anyone out. It’s just...

    It’s just what?

    It’s a bit hard to say, but... (sigh) I think Dark knows more about this shadow world then what the rest of do.

    You may be right on that, but you have to remember. Dark and I came here at the same time and we didn’t know a thing about this place.

    True, but I still have this feeling that Dark knows something. I just don’t know what it is and I don’t think he does either.

    Dark is Dark. And what I can tell when I talk with him is that he too is trying to put this puzzle together.

    He is?

    Yah he is. You know if you and him could sit down and talk to each other. I think you two just might be able to figure this jigsaw puzzle out and maybe more.

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