Disgusted by his touch, I knew who he was I was no fool. He was part of a mercenary group who bartered and traded legends like me. I was a favourite. If they had me, they had half of the world, and I was not exaggerating. If any human possessed my powers and my brothers collectively, they could use us to destroy the planet. It is probably why my brother, Santorini, left me. Together, he and I were unstoppable, a destructive force not to be reckoned with.

I remember our creation thousands of years ago. A large volcano erupted. The explosion caused devastation around the Mediterranean during the time the humans call the Late Bronze Age. My brother and I formed out of the volcanic rock that cascaded out into the unsuspecting sea. When we cooled the Ocean herself gave us a new life. Given powers and new names of Thera and Santorini we existed to obey the mistress of the sea.

Not so long ago, there was a rumour on the tides. A war was coming. Santorini and I stayed out of it and decided to return to the hidden plane. However, something went horribly wrong. We had become separated when the portal to the other world closed. I tried to retain the link with my brother, but it did not last for long. Distraught at his loss, I was cast away on the ocean foam but, unsuspectingly, the group of mercenaries discovered me. Since then, I've been running for my life.

One of the men grabbed me roughly by the arms, and dragged me to a standing position to face the man who had been hunting me. Smiling in a satisfied way, he motioned for the men to take me back down to the front of the pier.

My head lolled to the right and I saw the sea sweeping up against the stilts of the pier, almost beckoning me to return to it. I wished and prayed with all my heart, but the waves could not reach me.

'Sir, the sea,' one of the men said worriedly, just as we were about to enter the arcade.

'We are nearly there,' he replied, sounding tense.

Carried through the dusty old arcade, where the paint peeled off the walls, graffiti decorated the "No Entry" signs and human games had been smashed and broken, I wondered who his master was. It was obviously someone with a substantial amount of power and influence, but the only people I could think who could do this was the Ancients, and they would not dare get involved in capturing legends. They despised all legends; they were not in control of them. Also, what was the Cabinet of Idols? Did it consist of other immortals such as me? Was it full of others legends and if so who?

The men brought me to a shiny black van. From the tyre marks on the road, it looked like it had screeched to a halt just before the bollards near the front of the pier. Getting some feeling back in my body as the effects of the staff were thankfully, only temporary, I tried to struggle free. Shoving me against the van, one of the men drew close to me. So close, I saw the whites of his eyes.

Within the first five minutes of knowing this man, I found out he was aware of my existence and that he knew about my powers. That was never a good sign. Only a handful of legends knew. The most damning thing about this man, however, he possessed the Staff of Zeus. Whoever had given it to him had betrayed the entire magical community.

Not ten minutes into my capture, they unceremoniously shoved me into the back of the van.

Unexpectedly the men began to shout. The sound of the staff cracked above. What on Atlas was going on?

'Jane! Get us out of here!' someone yelled. Then the air was still and the shouts and erratic movement ceased.

'Hello!' I shouted as loud as I could, which was pathetic. The staff had sapped so much of my power my voice came as a whisper. 'Hello is anyone there?'

The van door suddenly opened and bright sunlight and warm fresh air pooled in, blinding and confusing me. Wasn't it nighttime? And why could I taste sand in the air?

Mark of the Water Nymph- Tattoo Trilogy Vol.2 (SAMPLE. Available on Amazon)Where stories live. Discover now