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A long time ago, there was the emperor named as Paran he was not so good king sometimes he took decisions wisely but sometimes he used to take foolish decisions.

He used love wearing robes and most of the time he used to adore himself in front of big mirrors. Because of this the weavers and the cloth makers from different countries were invited to make robes for king.

Once there came two weavers from far away country. They claimed that they can make a fabric that can only seen by the wise people. The king was very fascinated about this so he gave them order to make that robe for king.

To the next moment the weavers started to make that fabric they actually not made this type of fabric but they actually pretend to make it. But king believed them. And minister checked that how the work is going on. He was also not able to see the fabric. But he said to king that the work is going good.

After some days the robe was ready then king decided to wear that robe in procession. And the procession day finally came.

As soon as the king came out wearing that robe everyone just from kids to elder and older everybody giggled and laughed on king. After this no weaver or cloth maker was ever seen in the court of king.


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