Meeting them Chapter 2

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Hiii guys this is chapter two and i just needed to say the storyline is deffintly not the same ok mostly not the same IDK but yes so far in saying it wont be the same the characters personalitys are the same but yes the storyline different so enjoy

You awoke your head sore but you where warm, you sat up and looked a fireplace lit. It was confusing you looked around, your bed was huge and there was a fireplace lit straight across from you. You rubbed your eyes still tierd but got out of bed, You had a nice white gown that went to your knees.
'Wait who changed me?'
Your head began to spin with questions when the door opened. You jumped as a man walked in he looked like a butler, he was tall and just the right size, Glasses sitting on his nose and purplish/blackish hair. (Sos if thats not the colour) He pushed up his glasses looking down on you
"ah I see your awake, please follow me"
He began to walk off without you, you ran off behind him your (H/C) covering your left eye.
~timeskip to downstairs~
You followed him into a living room with three arm chairs and a long couch against the wall. He sat in the armchair pushing up his glasses again
"Now, I'd like to know who you are and why you where in the forest alone."
He said his tone a little stricter then before you where sensitive and mostly shy since your mother was always gone and you where home schooled. (sorry!!) You managed to cough something up.
"I..I'm (L/N) (F/N) I..I was in the forest because"
Thats when a slight chuckle was heard you looked up seeing another tall man wearing a fedora smirking
"Hehe~Reiji Nufufu whos this cute thing~"
He giggled again you tilted your head sideways confused why he wa giggling. Something warm breathed agaisnt your neck you squealed softly and turned around, he was behind you smiling
"Hmm she smells so yummy~"
Another warmness hit your neck you slashed your head round.
"She does to hehe she'd make a cute doll to"
you ran over across from them clenching your night gown, you gulped
"Laito, Kanato, Its rude to scare a young girl you've just meet."
"Awwwww Reiji-kun your no fun~"
"Oi whats that smell its bothering ore-samas sleep?"
You looked over to see a red haired man, his eyes where two different shades of piercing green. It kinda scared you the way he looked over at you with a smirk
'Can i classify this as a kidnapping?'
"I doubt youll find signel out here"
Your eyes widened in shock, the red haired grabbed your wrist you looked at him in the eyes
"Your now ore-samas property. Am i clear?"
You punched his wrist he let go as you stumbled back. Your silky hair in your face then you moved your hair out of your face, you gave a small glare kinda annoyed
"Stupid, Im so done of that dumb nickname you call yourself"
"Damn it subaru!, I know its you show yourself!"
"Im here"
After finishing glaring you looked over by a coloum. There stood a tall albino shorter then the others but still tall, His hair was snowy white his eyes a crimson rose red. He glared at you.
"I knew a new scent of human was the one who awoke me, how dare you intrupte my pressoiuse beauty sleep"
'Pressoiuse my ass'
"We....well did i wake you from my squealing"
He punched a wall you squeaked. Then a small grunt was heard on the long couch was the tallest man he had sandy blonde hair his eyes where closed so there not viewable
"Honestly how bothersome"
"Shut up shu!"
"Hm now that where all here let me introduce. Over on the couch is shu the oldest son, Im reiji and im the second son, over there are the triplets Ayato, Kanato and laito"
They all flashed a smirk at me
"And the last son is subaru"
"Tsk get lost"
I gulped before smiling
"Ni...nice to meet you but as I told Reiji-kun before I...I'm (L/N)
The triplets smirked and chuckled I cocked my eyebrow.

Diabolik lovers X Kid readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora