Playing With Chance - Chapter 21

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For the rest of the ride we sat in a comfortable silence as I watched the trees, and the occasional small town, flash by.

By the time Chance pulled into the parking lot of a fairly large park, I was more than eager to get out of the car, but I did wait until Chance opened the door.

Not like it was a long wait. He was probably faster than me, but I stayed patiently in the car as he walked around.

He held his arm out for me to take. I smiled at him and fought the giggles that were threatening to come out at his gesture, but accepted it regardless.

As I looked around at the field I felt glad that I had someone to hold on to.

Crowds aren't really my thing. I can handle them, but I'm always slightly..... let's call it uncomfortable.... with them.

It didn't help that all of the people had stopped what they were doing so they could stare at me.

Some looked like they were in awe of me, some just looked curious, others looked slightly jealous, but all of them were looking at me.

I held my head up high, and started to walk with Chance over to who I assume was the other team's captain.

Hero came up beside me, and offered me an encouraging smile, "Don't worry about it. They're only looking because you just showed up with the quarterback of the team they're playing against," he whispered in my ear so quietly I could barely make out the words.

I gave him a grateful smile, and looked back to the people in front of me.

At this point most of them were talking quietly to their friends, while sneaking little glances at me when they thought I wasn't looking.

The only person that didn't seem surprised at all by my appearance was the guy Chance was leading me to.

He had a big grin as he studied me, but he didn't seem quiet as bad as most of the people.

"So, you found her already?" he asked as we got closer.

Chance started to whisper something under his breath, but I couldn't make out any of it. I guess the guy could because he got a look of understanding on his face, and he nodded his head at Chance.

How is that possible? I'm closer to him.

"Elizabeth, Hero, I would like you to meet my cousin, Derek. We're going to be playing against his pa... team. Derek, this is my girlfriend, and my friend, Hero."

I looked at him confused, but didn't correct him.

"Nice to meet you Elizabeth," Derek said smiling at me before turning to look at Hero. He studied him for a second before saying, "I'm going to assume that you're playing?"

"Of course," Hero replied with just a little arrogance.

I don't think he's too happy with Derek.

Derek raised his eyebrow at Hero's answer, but didn't comment on it when he turned to talk to Chance again, "It's good to see you again. I'm glad you set this up."

"It should be fun," Chance said looking around at all the people who were still staring at me.

"Do you think all your players are here yet?" Derek asked looking out over the crowd too.

"They should be, but I should probably go look."

"Get to it. I can't wait to start the game."

"Alpha?" a guy asked walking over to us, "Has someone set up the end zones yet?"

Playing With ChanceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang