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kookstagram posted

kookstagram posted

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♡ 좋아요 126.379 개

kookstagram sorry for borrowing your bf hyung XD
we will meet you when you are finally over at the mnet studio
also "tell him i love him" from yoongi hyung  XD your fiance is craving your presence jimin @ officialpjimin

@ minchim finally another sign that yoongi is doing well... the lyrics of his song got me worried

@ yoonminenthusiast ^ same

@ vicislv ugh i hate this ... stay away from my kookie

@ missshawty i feel like going to one of his fanmeets and shoot that bitch in the head lol

@ vkookisreal oh my god stop threatening yoongi @ missshawty

@ missshawty @ vkookisreal why not? i would do that attentionwhore a fucking favour

[a/n: guys I'm sorry for the hater comments but it's part of the storry even if it kills me writing it. i love yoongi so much so please don't take them seriously]

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