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viciousqueen posted

viciousqueen posted

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♡ 좋아요 50

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♡ 좋아요 50.267 개

viciousqueen hi... i bet you already anticipate to bash me for any shit i talk about yoongi but pls chill for a sec.. i had been a fan of him and jinnie since their model debut ..even went to a fanmeet.... i don't know why i started to hate him so much ..it probably was jealousy because he is actually a nice person AND is handsome af AND got my bias as bf .... but i want you to know that although i even once commented that he should just die that i actually hope he will recover from whatever he has because i firstly just couldn't bear to see jimin getting hurt and yoongi deserves to get better @ mingeniusofficial maybe you even remember me ...i was the only boy at the fanmeet and nearly stumbled into you because i was too shy and excited and you even took my hand and said that i shouldn't be so embarrassed about it with a gummy smile... (second pic is me)

@ mingeniusofficial yes i remember you. you were really adorable back then.thanks for the support now but i hope you can understand that i am still very hurt by what you said the last few months

@ minchim ...if i was yoongi i wouldn't forgive you tbh

@ sweetassuga fuck you ...i remember you from back then. how can a person change so much?

@ yoonminenthusiast go fuck yourself you heartless bitch

@ vkookisreal burn in hell tbh

(a/n : mmmmh sad or happy ending🤔 i wonder ..well it's not gonna end for some time but the next chapter will kind of decide on how this will end probably)

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