chapter 2 - airport

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(EDITED: 17/10/17 AT 12:35)


We arrive at the airport about 20 minutes later and go do the usual boring things that we have to. Now we have about 20 minutes to spare since we only leave at 3pm and now its 2:40pm ,my friends met us at the airport and also Andrew's friends were there to say bye to us.

I tell all my friends bye and hug them promising to visit soon and last but not least i have to now say bye to my bestfriend oh my this is gonna be really hard for me, i say my mantra 'breath in breath out amy dont cry smile, smile you are happy and you just have to breath and you will be just fine'

"dont forget to phone me okay and we will facetime everyday okay, and you better" my bestfriend Aria tells me with tears in the eyes

"i wont forget i promise to facetime you and yes everyday" i tell Aria trying to not cry i dont want to cry or have teary eyes now it will make things worse and i have put in alot off effort to persuade her and myself that i have to leave

"ok ok i will not pester you now because you are leaving, so i want to spend it good so lets just make the most of this okay" she says with a serious look but with a smile

"oh uh... yeah sure uh..."i say not sure what to say its as if im blank
All of us gather around talking about old memories that we shared and all our weird moments ,just then my mom calls out to me and say that we have to say our byes now

I look at all my friends and they all have teary eyes by just the sound off us saying bye to each other because we all have been friends since primary school now i bet i have tears in my eyes to i start hugging my friends and we exchange our byes now i have to tell Aria bye which i hate to do

"i dont wanna say bye just yet, im not ready to tell you bye" i tell Aria with tears begging to roll down my Cheek

"i also arent ready Amy but what can we do, we dont have a say in this and maybe this is for the better" she says trying to reason with me

"ma-maybe you are right b-but im afraid to lose you Aria i- im afraid to say bye " i say almost whispering the last part and stuttering the whole message

"oh Amy im also afraid to lose you and to say bye i really dont want to but we have to be strong and trust me im not going anywhere nor are you gonna lose me t-trust me i'll always be here for you because you are my bestfriend and no body can change that nobody ,ok so smile" she says stuttering a little on the last part with tears in her eyes and on her cheeks

"i trust you Aria with all my life and i know that you will always be there for me,  you have been there through  thick and thin, be it when i had boyfriend issues or my breakups haha and even when my candy was stolen when we were small" i say with tears in my cheeks and eyes also but we laugh at the memories as we speak

"ok but remember what i told you be strong ok and call and face time me i guess this is goodbye Amy" she crys uncontrollably

"i will try my best to i promise you and ill remember, yeah i guess so to but i don't wanna say bye ,so ill visit you soon" i tell her seriously

"ill wait for that visit " we hug and my mom calls us saying we have to board the plane now so we hug one last hug and go.

Words count :673
Aww i was literally crying my eyes out for the last part and sorry i made it long and with so many dialogues im sorry but sorry i just felt like i should and dont worry from my next chapter the drama and romance will start... 😜😋

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