Cleanser and clothes

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I jumped into Dylan's arms. We started making out and next thing you know we were in the water having sex! Afterwards, we grabbed our clothes and ran out. I ran home and snuck back to my room. I felt a little sick. I changed into some shorts and an oversized hoodie, and went to bed. I woke up got dressed into a black tank top with a plaid shirt and black skinny jeans. I still felt sick, so I went downstairs and walked to the store. What if I was pregnant? I bought a pregnancy test and went into the bathroom. I called Dylan and was a little nervous. "Dylan I'm pregnant."

"What?! That's great!" Dylan replied. I love kids, don't get me wrong, but I'm 17! "Yeah." I said faintly.

I walked outside and went home. My mothers car was parked in the driveway. I have to tell her. "Mom I have to tell you something." I started to clam up. "Yes hon?" She raised her eyebrow. "What would you do if I was pregnant?" I said quietly, knowing that she would freak out.

"Please don't tell me, Kacy." My mom worried. "I'm sorry. I know I have to leave." I started to hold back tears. "I want you to pack up all of your things and get out." My mother scolded me as I chocked on my tears. "Okay." I went upstairs and grabbed a suitcase. I packed my makeup, clothes, shoes, and everything else.

I ran to Mary's house. She has a large house and is very wealthy. I knocked on the door with all of my bags. Mary answered.

"Oh hey Kacy. You staying over?" She cocked her head. "I need to stay. My mother kicked me out." I replied while wiping my tears. "Why? Kacy are you okay?" She was worried. "Mary I'm pregnant." I spat out.

"Kacy come inside. You can stay here as long as you need." Mary took me upstairs to the guest room. It had white sheets and faux fur blankets. I looked around to see walk-in closets. "Woah. This is huge." I said as I went in the large bathroom.

"You stay as long as you need." Mary informed me. "Thank you so much" I hugged her.

High school pregnancy Where stories live. Discover now