Part 2 First Day Worst Day

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I'm rich but a nerd who will like me everytime I see Josh my heart beats fast why am I like this? Is it no no no Maddie you can't he only likes girls who is not like you don't Maddie ok think about what happened back in Austrailia

Then suddenly my phone buzzes I looked at my phone it's greg

Maddie want me to pick you up I already pick Kenzie

Sure I'm outside

Ok were almost there

See you bye

Everyone is looking at me when suddenly some shake fell in my clothes I turned around its Josh laughing at me "sorry weirdo I didn't saw you there come on baby lets ride my car"he said dragging her girlfriend

Then suddenly someone tapped my shoulder it was Kenzie "dad's here madz" everyone looked at me "wow her sister is more beautiful than her" "yeah and hotter" some students say I stood up and went to our car dad opened the door for us everyone staring at us

I think dad just got off to work cause he's wearing a tie and a coat and using his most expensive car that we bought he opened the door for us Kenzie went in  "wow they're rich" one student muttured "but what happened to the nerd I more like her sister"one student exclaimed dad shut the door closed

"Hey don't you dare compare my daughters" he said shutting the door "thanks"I thanked "don't worry I need to protect both of my princesses he said we both smiled

We went to our house then ate dinner I sat down eating pasta mom made different kinds of food but I'd just stick to pasta "Maddie why the heck are you covered in chocolate shake?" Kenzie asked while chewing her food "oh this mm yeah" I said I forgot about this "well actually a guy Made fun of me" I spoke up I actually don't lie to my parents cause I'll get in big trouble "What?! Whom exactly I'll call the principal" Dad said madly typing the number of the school immediately

I don't really want Josh to be in trouble he'll get suspended "no dad it's fine I'm just used to it its fine" I stated "No Maddie he needs to be suspended or else he'll do it to others"
Mom told me I like dad's strictness to me but I don't wanna get Josh in trouble "MOM" I said in an annoyed tone "hello Mrs. Ladin I just wanna talk about my dau-" I grabbed dad's phone then dismissed the call "DAD" I stared at him

"Ok Maddie just talk to us if he do it again" he exclaimed "yes dad shesh since when did you got so strict" I muttured all of them laughed simultaneously "I just wanna protect my daughters'he muttered "well I'm already full I'll  go upstairs...night"I stated I went to my room then took a shower after I change into my pajamas I snuck in my bed and tried to sleep but I can't it was basically 9:43pm

I went downstairs yawning the lights were closed and the only ope  was outside infront our house the pool area and the stairs I opened the lights in the kitchen then grabbed myself some milk then walked outside I sat in our porch then drank my milk I looked in the sky it was dark I looked at my phone then opened my contacts

I  have actually is Mom,Dad,Stepdad,Tyler, Ryan,Kenzie,Boo. I clicked on Boo and going to click call when I recalled myself "Don't you ever talk to me ever again nor call or text I don't wanna see you in my sight!" Woah Madison what are you doing I said in my mind I locked my phone off then went inside I went in my room then laid in my bed

I fell asleep


"Buzz! buzz! buzz!" My phone woke me up I sat up hoping it's boo I picked up my phone it was 12:43am I went in my messages


Ummm hi who are you?

Are you Madison Nicole Ziegler?

Yeah why?

you left your students ID infront your school

Why text me at 12:00am?

I just you want me to go to your house?

What no but how'd you got my address and my phone number???

I actually saw it in your ID


then I'll just go to your class then

No just leave it in my locker

Sure but how if I don't want to I'll just keep it

Then keep it!

●End Of Convo●
I turned my phone off and place it next my my lamp I was really sleepy thats why I got angry I laid back in my bed then suddenly my phone buzzez many time

Like 30 seconds my phone buzzed 40 or 30 times then he wants to call me "whats the matter with him?" I grabbed my phone then stood up went in my bathroom and locked it in my shelf I don't wanna power off it cause its too long to open after I then fell comfortable asleep


Woah I made this chapter long I really wanna sleep cause its currently 3 in the morning so yeah I just want some suggestion in the comment section comment if you wanna know the annoying boy Maddie got angry with before she fell asleep comment if you want him to be in a major character in this story so thats it and actually I want you to also read my other book "Faded Love" about Maddir choosing over Carson,Zach,Lucas or Levi so thats all


Maddie Ziegler-Truly In Loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن