Wait. When did this happen?

Start from the beginning

"Ok! Sorry to interrupt, but I have to go... out.. Bye!" I grab the keys to my mom's second car and walk out the door. That was way too awkward for me to take in their.. Relationship? So fast. I drive down an empty road to clear my mind of what I've just witnessed. I'll be out here for a while.

*Annabelle's POV*

I really wish I could go out tonight. Ugh. Why does this always seem to happen to me? I wipe away a tear that's rolling down my cheek before it falls off. I didn't even do anything. I never do anything!

*Annabelle!! Get down here!* I hear my dad call for me. No way am I going back down there. Not if he's down there. I feel bad about lying to Amy. I love her and all but.. I can't tell anybody what's really going on.

*Annabelle!* I hear footsteps running up the stairs. My door is locked. And I'm sitting on my patio. If I need to, I'll jump.. I swear I'll jump..

*Amy's POV*

I've been driving down this road for what seems like 5 hours, even though it's only been 45 minutes. I turn the car around and head back to my house. I wonder what's wrong with Annabelle. She's been acting weird lately.

I make it back to my house, only to find Conner and Jason missing. Conner's car is gone. But Jason's is still here. Weird. It's 6:58. Well.. I already ate. And I have nothing to do. I yawn. Maybe I'll just go to sleep. I'll see Annabelle tomorrow. Ask her what happened with her parents this time.

I walk to my room and change into some sleeping shorts and a T-shirt. I walk to my bed and lay down. I close my eyes, and slowly fall asleep.

***Next day***

I open my eyes and am suddenly blinded. I must have opened my curtains yesterday. Although.. I don't remem-

"Good morning Amy!!"

Someone jumps on top of me and kisses my forehead. What the heck. I attempt to open my eyes again and try to push the person off. God, am I dealing with a walrus here? I finally get over the blinding sun and see Jason over me with a huge smile on my face.

"Jason, what the heck are you doing in my room? But more importantly, what time is it?" I reach for my phone, but Jason snatches it away.

"It is currently 8:47 am. We're late for school, but I made sure of it on purpose.  Don't worry. It's just Wednesday. Nothing important ever happens on wednesday."

"What are we doing?" I rub my eye. Why is he so excited? He's never excited about anything. I push him off and sit up, putting my hair in a low ponytail.

"Well.. We're not going to school! That's for sure!" He smiles greatly at me.

"What the heck! You said we were going to be late, not that we weren't going to school!"

"Yeah, I decided to say that first so you wouldn't freak out soo bad.. See! It worked!" He kisses my cheek. "Now, go take a shower, and when you get out I'll tell you what we're doing! Now shoo!" He waves me away, and I roll my eyes. God, he comes out to me then he becomes this big drama queen.

I head to my bathroom and take a shower. I get out after thirty minutes and change into some dark purple shorts, and a black, long sleeve shirt. I walk out to my room and I notice Jason is gone. Oh great, where did he go.

I walk downstairs. "Jas-"


"Ahhh!" Jason jumps out from behind the wall. "Jason! What the hell is wrong with you! Don't do that to me!" I smack his arm a few times while he breaks into a fit of laughter.

"You-should-seen-face!" He laughs in between his words.

"Ha-Ha. You're not funny." I punch his arm one last time. "Now will you tell me where we're going? I don't want to go any where under dressed." I look down at what I'm wearing, then back at Jason.

"Don't you worry your perfect little beautiful head about it! You're dressed appropriately! Now go put on some shoes, and do something with your nappy hair." He smiles at me innocently.

"You just told me my head was perfect!" I look at him, shocked.

"Well yeah, but right now, it looks horrible!" He winks playfully at me. "I'm just kidding. But seriously, fix your hair! I'll see you down here."

I tell him ok and run upstairs. I walk into my room and hear my phone vibrating. I look for my phone and find it on my dresser. I take it to my bathroom and sit in front of my mirror. I look gross.. I look at my phone and see that I have 4 missed calls and 7 text messages, from an unknown number. I call back first.

We're sorry, your call has been forwarded....

Ok, it's off. I look at the messages.



O wait. U dont know who this is.

Ill give u a hint. Im a senior!

U probly still dont know.. Im a boy

Are you not going to guess? Here ill call u!

U didnt answer. My phone is gunna die soo, ill call you later. Bye babe;)

Babe? No one calls me babe. That's so weird. I ignore what I just read, play some music and do my hair. Thirty minutes later I'm done. I straightened my hair and put in a black and light purple hair barrette. I grab my phone and walk down stairs.

"Jason, I have a question." I reach the bottom and walk to the living room where I hear Jason singing.

"Jason?" I touch his shoulder.

"Holy crap! Amy. Dude." He puts his hand to his chest. "Don't do that." He breathes hard.

"That's what you get! Now I'm ready, let's go!"

We head to his car. "Oh yeah, I was going to ask you something. Do you know who this is?" I show him my phone.

"No. I mean, the number looks familiar. Let me check." He goes through his phone, and he starts smiling. "Nope, no clue!"

"Liar. Who is it?"

"Just know, you'll be very happy when you find out. We're going bowling! Cliché I know, but it's so fun!" He smiles big, pulls out of the driveway, and turns up the radio.

We arrive at the bowling alley. "Hey, ames, go pick a spot, I'll get the shoes and what-not."

"Ok, my shoe size is 7!"

"I know! I got this! Juat go!"

I find a spot and sit down. Great, we're bowling. My mind can't handle this! How will I be able to focus if I know that I'll be happy when I find out who this mystery person is? I'll be thinking about this the whole time.

"Amy! Oh my god, Amy. Something just happened, we need to go!" Jason grabs my arms and pulls me out.

"What? What happened?" Worried, I run along side with Jason until we reach the car. We get in and two seconds later, we're flying down the highway.

"I'll explain at the hospital."

Hospital? Oh god. What now?

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