Didn't See That Coming

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Chapter 2

We sat in Jason's car for what seemed like a century. I knew he was thinking hard about something by the look on his face and every few minutes his eyes would water up. I have never seen him like this before.


I look up at him. He's finally going to tell me what's been bothering him all morning.


"I have no home.." He tears up again.

"What? What do you mean?

Jason's parents were rich, they were both scientists and earned a ton of money. So money definitely wasn't an issue. They owned their house. Had it built just for them, so being kicked out wasn't the problem either.

"Well.. Me and my father got into an argument and.." He looked at me with tears filling his eyes again. "He kicked me out.."

"But why did he kick you out over a stupid argument?"

"Because... Because I told him I'm gay. And he disapproves of gay people. I was hoping maybe he'd change his mind since I'm, you know, his son, but I was wrong. I wish I never told him anything. Now I'm homeless, and my father doesn't love me."

His tears flooded down his cheeks like two raging waterfalls. He was gay?

"Jason.. You're gay? Why didn't you tell me.? I would've been there when you told him! And I'm sure he still loves you, maybe it was just his first instinct..Wait.. What does your mom think?" I shifted in my seat so that my whole body was facing him.

"I don't know, I was scared to tell you. And I don't know about my mom either. And that bothers me! She sat there, watched us argue and him kick me out! She sat there and didn't say a thing to him! She watched me walk out the door with a bag of clothes. The sorrowful look in her eyes wasn't enough to show me that she cared."

"Why were you scared to tell me?" I looked at him with a confused and hurt look. He was scared to tell me that he was gay. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Where did you stay last night?" I asked, hoping he wouldn't say his car.

"I stayed in a hotel room. I was planning on staying in my car, but then I started to think about how I was going to bathe and get dressed easily, so I just decided on a hotel for the night." Thank god he didn't stay in this car. It's small and would be really uncomfortable to sleep in.

After a few more minutes of silence, he moved his hand to the shift, put it in reverse, and backed out of the parking space. Then he put it in drive and drove away from school.

I wanted to keep talking to him. But what was there to say? I know he wouldn't want to hear "I'm sorry!" That's the most cliche thing to say in a matter like this. So instead, I just sat there. Watching the road ahead of me as we passed billboards and speed limit signs.

We drove for about 30 long, quiet minutes before we reached his destination. Aunt Allie's Icecream. I've never been here before. It's small but looks like a cosy little icecream shoppe.

As soon as he parked, he undid his seatbelt and jumped out of the car, still without saying a word. His light brown hair whipped around in the wind as he walked inside. I opened my door and got out. Fixing my shirt and pulling my pants up a little. I shut the door and walked inside the little building. It was cold inside.

"Jason?" I looked around and saw him sitting in a booth by the window. His grey eyes looked so sad. My heart was breaking into a million pieces seeing my bestfriend like this. I tucked my dark brown hair behind my ear before taking in a deep breath and walking over to him.

"Hey Jase.." I put my hands on the table and moved them towards his. I grabbed his hands gently and he looked at me. "It's going to be ok. Just wait, he'll come around. He loved you so much before he knew, how can he just automatically change his mind and decide he doesn't love you anymore? This is just hard for him. But don't kill yourself over it." I gave him a small smile and let go of his hands.

A tall, blonde, and tan woman, probably around the age of 29, walked up to us.

"Hi Jason!  How are you? "

"I'm good Mrs. Tamera." Lie. "How are you?"

"Well I'm dandy! Thanks for asking sugar!" She looked at me. "And hello darlin'! I don't think we've met! I'm Tamera, as you now know, and you are?" She had a wide smile on her face revealing her pearly whites.

"I'm Amy." I say, returning her smile with a smaller one.

"Well hello Amy! It's great to meet you!" She bent over and gave me a hug, as if we had known each other for years. I hugged her back. She was really nice.

"Well, what can I get for ya?" She turned to Jason with wide eyes.

"Lemme get mint chocolate chip ice cream in a waffle cone please Tamera." He rubbed his temples.

She hesitated before writing down his order and saying "You alright sweetpea?" She gave him skeptic look.

"Uhh yeah, I'm fine." He lied again and gave her a small smile.

"Well.. Ok.. What about you hunn?"

"I'll take Birthday Cake in a waffle cone, please."

"Ok, coming right up!"

"Thank you." I say as she walks away. Jase and I spent about two hours and a half reflecting on our childhood memories, laughing at our embarrassments growing up, and eating icecream. He seemed so happy not thinking about what had happened. But I knew that as soon as he walked out of these doors, those thoughts would come back right away. I just wish there was something I could do to help him not think about it 'til things got better.



Second chapter up!

Let me know how it is maybe?

(: ♥♡



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