August Alsina : Not An Ordinary Love - Chapter 21

Start from the beginning

" I don't know. " I said.

" Keira cut the bullshit and tell me what's stressing you out. I can't help me if you don't tell me what's wrong. " he said.

" I don't know August. I really don't. I guess I'm stressing over my career, you, just everything there is. " I said.

" Keira one thing you should not be stressing over is me. I know that you worry about me doing you wrong but I'm not. As far as everything else goes I don't know. We'll work something out about that. '' he sighed.

" It's just hard August. I feel like I'm 16 all over again. I have so much responsibility. '' I said getting ready to cry.

" Keira don't cry. " He said getting in the bed with me.

" I tell myself everyday that I'm strong but August lets face it. I'm weak. I'm just as weak as I was when I was 16. " I cried.

He got up and shut the door and then got back in the bed with me.

" Baby you are not weak. If anything you are as strong as I thought you were the day I met you. Baby if you feel like you stressed or need help don't hesitate to come to me. That's what I'm here for. I don't want you to feel like you can't come to me cause you can. Ima always be here for you and you know that. I hate to see you like this. I really do. " he said wrapping me in his arms.

" But you're already so busy. You're working on your album. You-- "

" Just stop. I might be busy but you my girl. You can always come talk to me. From now on I want you to talk to me. '' He said cutting me off.

I nodded my head and cried into his chest while he rubbed my back. I calmed down after a while and the whole timed August was rubbing my back and consoling me. " Your not weak. " he said lowly.

I nodded my head okay and looked up at his eyes. This motherfucker was high. " Are you gone stay here with me? " I asked.

" Only if you want me to. " he said.

" Please. I want you to sleep in the bed with me. " I said.

" Baby I don't think it's enough room for the both of us in the bed. " he chuckled.

" We'll make it work. " I said.

I moved over in the bed so he could get in completely. Once he got in the bed I laid my head on his chest. He grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers.

" Ow. " I hissed.

" You okay? " he asked.

" Yeah. Just this stupid ass IV. " I said.

" Sorry. " he said kissing my hand.

I smiled and it was quiet for a minute. " What are gonna do? " he sighed.

" August forget what everybody else is saying. I know that you didn't hit me and you know that you didn't. I hate that they think that you did but you didn't. Baby I Love You and I don't care what anybody else says. You see I just had an argument with my two closet and best friends for you. Don't make me regret that. " I said rubbing his chest.

" I'm not. I promise I won't. " he said.

" Good. Now let's get some sleep. I'm tired as hell. " I said snuggling closer to him.

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