Crush△wendell bray

Start from the beginning

"You guys having fun?" Hodgins smirked.

"Yeah looking at a dead human is real party." You said sarcastically.

"So have you done it yet?" He asked.

"Done what?"

"Asked him out." He said. "Come on, What's the worst that can happen?"

At this point you had about enough of Hodgins comments and teasing.

"the worst that could happen is he says no, I get humiliated and I have to see his face everyday, that's the worst that could happen!" You raised your voice and slammed your hand down on the table.

All of a sudden there was a crashing sound from the floor. You looked down and saw that the force from your hand slamming hand knocked the skull off the table and sent it on to the floor.

You looked at the scattered skull on the floor. Tears started to form in your eyes.

"I'm so dead." You choked out. You kneeled down to pick up the pieces.

"I'll get the glue." Hodgins quickly walked out.

"What happened?" Wendell came in to the room and saw you picking up what was left of the skull.

"I knocked it over." You breathed out."dr Brennan is gunna be so disappointed in me." You broke out in to a sob

"Hey hey, calm down." He put hand on your shoulder in an effort to comfort you. "We can put this back together."

"She's gunna know it broke." You continued to cry. To most people this wasn't a big deal, but to you it was.

"Come here." Wendell helped you up. You down on a near by chair. "Maybe she won't notice."

"If course she's gunna notice, it's Broken." You put your head in your hands and continued to cry. You felt Wendell's hand rub your back attempting to calm you.

"It's okay. It's gunna be okay." He said.

You looked up and wiped your tears away. You took a deep breath to calm down.

"Thank you." You said with a small smile.

"No problem." He said.

Brennan walked in and saw the skull on the floor, then looked at you and wendell.

"What happened?" She asked.

You were just about to tell her what happened, but wendell spoke up.

"It was me." He admitted. "I wasn't being carful and I dropped the skull, I'm very sorry."

"Wendell wh-" you started to say but he cut you off.

"No Y/N, it was my fault, you should go, you haven't done anything wrong." He said.

You couldn't believe it. He was talking the blame for you. Why would he do this?

"Yes Y/N, you may leave. Wendell has a lot work ahead of him." She Said disappointedly.

You nodded and started to walk out, but as you walked out you saw that Hodgins had been watching threw the window.

"Still think he doesn't like you?" Hodgins asked.


Later that night you were sat at the royal diner sitting at the bar, sipping on some coffee. You couldn't stop thinking about wendell. As he was stuck in the lab all night gluing a skull back together, well you had a get out of jail free card.

"Mind if I sit here?" You turned around and saw wendell.

"Um yes. I mean no! I mean yes you can sit, no I-I don't mind." You blurted out.

"Thanks." He took a seat.

"So how was Brennan?" You asked.

"Shel was mad, disappointed, I'm pretty sure I've lost some of her trust." He said.

"that not easy to earn." You told him.

"It's okay, I'm pretty sure I'm not getting to be fired."

"I'm really sorry, you shouldn't have done that." You took another sip of your coffee.

"Hodgins told me what happened." He said.

Those words almost made you spit out the coffee.

"I'm going to kill that bug boy." You muttered to your self. He slightly laughed at your comment.

"It's okay, I like you too." He admitted.

You looked at him with a smile. You couldn't believe it, Hodgins was right.

"I still feel horrible about you taking the Blame for all of this."

"I told you, it's fine." He said.

"There has to be some way I can make it up to you." You offered.

He thought for a moment "Well there is one thing." He said.

"Tell me, I'll do it." You told him.

"How about I just show you?" He said. You looked at him confused. But before you knew it he leaned in and kissed you.

His actions took you by surprise, but eventually you kissed back. The kiss only lasted for a couple of seconds, but to you it felt longer then that.

You two finally pulled away and looked at each other. For awhile there was just silence.

"Are you free this Friday?" He asked breaking the silence.

"Yes, and I promise I won't drop any skulls."

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