Contour and stolen cash.

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I wasn't always like this. I didn't steal things until I was 14. It all started in 8th grade.

I was walking home from school. I noticed a girl with heavy makeup and revealing clothing. She had gorgeous blonde hair with bright green eyes.

I wanted to be like her. My family didn't have a lot of money so stealing was my way of getting things. I didn't steal from people, just stores.

I steal things like clothes, makeup, purses, jewelry, shoes, and almost everything under the sun. I know the innocent and stereo typical girl would tell the story, but things are different this time.

"Kacy you can't keep stealing!" My best friend, Mary, said as I reapplied my lipstick. "Uh huh. Sure" I replied without paying attention. "How many times have you stolen something this week?" She asked as I closed my locker. "Relax! It's not like I'm hurting anybody!" I said, annoyed. "That doesn't mean that it's right!" Mary snapped.

"Fine. I will stop steeling for one week."
I rolled my eyes. Mary was my best friend. She didn't support my stealing. I know that it's wrong but what else do I do? "I'll see you I'm chemistry, kacy." Mary sighed.

I grabbed my stuff and made my way to algebra. I'm not very smart. I'm better with applying eyeliner than I am answering some stupid problems that I might never use someday.

"Miss Arborgast?" My teacher called my name as I looked up. "Yes mrs. Martinez?" I cocked my head. "Can you answer this question?" She asked me as I flipped through my papers. "Yes ma'am." I replied as I gave the answer.

I finally got out of that prison. "Hey Dylan! I said as I ran down the hallway to hug him. "Hey babe!" He hugged me back. "Kacy? How do you afford these things?" Dylan asked me as I forced a chuckle. "How was your day?" I changed the subject. "Good. Better that I got to see you." He smiled.

A couple hours later and school was finally over. I went to my locker and grabbed my things.

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