Would You Rather?

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"Would you rather have your best friend stab you or you stab your best friend?" The deep, and still unknown voice asked me.

I looked to my group of friends. I didn't want to die and leave them, but I also didn't want to continue this game.
They all looked scared for me, I returned the game.

"You have 10 seconds left to answer the question." The voice said. "Or I will choose for you"

I started breathing fast and sweating.


My eyes widened at my friends.


"Please Cassie, don't!!" My best friend, Jenny said while started crying.


"I don't want to continue," I thought out loud to myself.



My heart began racing harder then ever before. I just wanted to escape, but knowing that's impossible and our phones are all smashed into pieces and somewhere in Luke's stomach there is no way to get out.





I chose my answer "I WOULD RATHER........."


Continue reading if you want to find out, how the teenagers got to where they are and why this is happening to them.

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