2: In which we teach.

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Chapter 2.

     Jasper sets the cooked pancakes on the table, with the syrup and butter. Our house was pretty big, when you look at it from outside, and in the front it is really beautiful. We live on a cliff, in the forest, our house is facing the canyon below. It has a balcony and clear sliding glass doors. Below the balcony is a door, when you walk in you are in the living room, a round coffee table is in front of you and there is a long couch to the right, on top of soft brown carpet. To the left of the living room is the kitchen, where we are eating at a rectangular table. In between the two rooms are stairs. These stairs go up and split to a horizontal line and then link back to the balcony. The stairs also lead to the hallway I was talking about earlier. I dig into my pancake hungrily.

     "Good job, Jas!" I cheer.

     "It's good, but you could have added a little more sugar and another egg to the batter." Emma comments, Jasper snorts.

     "You did great, Jasper." Lian chimes happily, I smile in delight.

     "It's delicious!" Wendy adds sweetly, I feel my smile widen.

     "My taste buds are tingling in delight. It is wonderful, Jasper." Sampson coos, continuing to chew his tiny pancake. I finish my pancake, and put my plate in the sink. We got this house from my mom who was killed, I remember her saving us all from the Hospital. It was horrible there. Doctors and nurses all with torture devices. It was odd how we weren't broken.

     "Riley?" A small voice calls out, it surprised me. My eyes lock with Wendy's as I turn around, she barely talks to me.

     "Yes, little one?" I reply kindly, Wendy smiles slightly her eyes glittering with excitement. "Can you teach me how to fly today? Like better? I'm a little clumbsy." She says, I smile at her sweetly.

     "Of course!" I say with a toothy grin. "But, you must finish eating and then get dressed, and wait for Lian and me." I say, she nods jumping out of her chair rushing over and hugging me. I tense in shock, but quickly hug back. She parts from me and goes back to her chair. I quickly walk to the stairs, and a hand grabs my wrist. I snap my head to the left, my eyes meeting the changing hazel eyes of Lian.

     "We have to be careful." He says in a low tone.

     "I know, I plan on it." I calmly say back, he lets go of me and I continue up the stairs and to my room. I close the door behind me and walk to my dresser pulling open a drawer. I grab a red short sleeved shirt, and my jean jacket, both with slits in the back. I grab my favorite pair of skinny jeans, my socks and my black combat boots. I throw them all on and rush down to the living room where Wendy awaits in a pink spring dress and shorts, her black flats standing out. She is bouncing in anticipation. Soon Lian comes down, his hair pulled back, a blue T-shirt, jeans, black jacket, and Champion tennis shoes.

     "Let's go!" Wendy says, her tone drenched in excitement. I look at Emma, Jasper, and Sampson.

     "Don't make me, make you all clean when I get back!" I snarl, they all gulp and Lian, Wendy, and I walk out to the open ground.

     "Okay! What's is the first step?!" I smile at her anticipation. I unfurl my chocolate brown wings.

     "Let your wings out." I say softly, she nods and follows my step. I walk behind her and check her form. "Stretch them." I instruct, Wendy does as told. Her speckled feathers fanning out in effort. "Hold them out for twenty-five seconds." She nods and puts her wings out as far as they would go.




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