Chapter 11 Choice B (Edited)

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It's been a week since I made Noah angry. Ever since I refused to eat what he gave me he decided to feed me everything he makes. I can barley chew the food before He shoves far down my throat with more food that I have to swallow it.

 Why can't I just choke already and die!? Doesn't Noah get it?! I don't like him!! So why won't he leave me alone?! He needs to move on! I will never ever love him, but I guess I know the answer that I will receive if I said this to his face. Yes I am a coward and I am not afraid to admit that I am afraid of this guy and annoyed at the same time!

 "Darling!~ It's time to eat lunch!!!~" I hear Noah in a high pitched voice which just makes me want to cringe and cover my hears every time I hear it.

 "Go away..." I grumble as he sits on the ground and giggles at my expression on my face which was a scowl. I can predict what he will do before he has to move. 

"Aww princess don't be like that!" He says as he brings (favorite food) close to my mouth. I refused what was in his hands and turned away. He sighs and says "I really wish you wouldn't make me do this every time!" He growls and opens my mouth wide and shoves the food down my throat and I am now actually choking on the food but I don't think he cares that much. 

"You will eat what I make you!!! I made it out of love and I hate being rejected...I thought you already knew that though..apparently not.." He said as his voice got softer and softer the closer he was to the end of his sentence. I couldn't breathe and I'm sure my face showed that. 

Noah sighed and handed me a glass of water. I thankfully took it from him and gulped it down until the food was gone from my mouth and throat. As I was done I took a huge breath of air in through my mouth.

 "I'm sorry princess.." Noah said as he walked out of the room. 

What was that about? I heard his footsteps lead up the stairs and the door shut. I got up but didn't feel the chains on me. Did Noah release me? Erasing the thought away from my head I shrugged it off and decided to find a weapon. I need to get out of here as fast as I can but I can't fully escape without killing Noah before I leave. I looked around the dark room and saw nothing really useful. I walked around more and found a crowbar just laying there. What the actual fuck?! What the hell is a crowbar doing down here!?

 Welp Noah is dumber than I thought. I giggled imagining him dead on the floor in front of me as I twirled the crowbar in my hand and skipped the hell out of here but I doubt it'd be that easy. I decided to take action tonight when he is tired. 

Time skip~

It was now supper time just my favorite part of the day. *cough* sarcasm *cough*. Noah as usual came down with a plate in his hand but it didn't smell like supper but more sweet? I looked up and saw Noah had a pink hue on his face. 

"You might want to knock yourself out against a wall. Your face is red." I said as he just pouted but smirked. I made you a (favorite frosting) cake!" (if you don't like cake make up a big favorite dessert you like). 

My eyes widened as I looked at my favorite dessert right in front of me. Noah giggled. 

"Go ahead and take a bite my princess!~ I made it myself!" He said proudly as I was about to dig in but this could just be a trick to put me to sleep but every other time he brought down food for me there was nothing harmful in them just food. 

I took a bite of the dessert and mmm'd at the taste. It was so good! Noah had a huge grin on his face as he watched me eat.

 "I'm happy you like it!" He wrapped his arms around my arm as my free hand shoved him away. I then started to feel dizzy. God I knew something was fishy about his! Noah then smirked. 

"Princess why do you make me do this to you?! I just can't help it I love you so much!" He said as my vision went black. 

Sorry it was short but I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Choice A will come soon!~

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