I got to class a minute before the bell rang, and I sat at the table I started sitting at yesterday. Which nobody sits here, and I was glad. Because nobody should be close to me today. A few minutes into class, someone walked in. I heard the teacher welcome him,but I didn't want to look up because me reading helps me not focus on this desire to kill that keeps wanting to come out. I felt the person next to me. Which I could feel happiness coming off of him. It kind of disgusted me because it was too much happiness, especially for the mood I was in right now. I heard the teacher start talking about a new project we were having, and it was going to be with our table buddy. Great. I'm going to have to work with this person. I looked up to look at the teacher. Out of my peripheral vision I saw the person was Kyle. Can this get any worse? I also heard that the teacher say this was pretty much the only day we have in class to do this, so that means that Kyle and I have to work on this outside of school. I take it back this day can get  worse. The teacher placed the paper on our desk, and I began reading it. Great, I'm going to have to pretend living with this guy, or even worse pretend to be married to him. Because we have to see what type of finances or whatever will happen, and we have to work out budgets and all of that. I don't like finance class.  "Well it seems we have to pretend we are living together or married, and see how the finances and all that will work out. Which the project is due next week" I said to him sliding the paper his way. "So you aren't going to look at me now?" "Why should I?" I asked him. "Because this project is with two people, so we kind of have to look at each other," He answered. To be honest I didn't have a problem with looking at people, especially him. Kyle, believe me when I say you don't want me looking at you right now. That's what I wanted to say. The reason is because when I look at someone all my eyes can probably do at the moment is look directly at your neck and think about the blood rushing through your veins.Instead of telling him what I wanted to say I said something that makes me sound like a bitch pretty much. Which I couldn't help it because this hunger was literally about to drive me crazy. Which since I'm younger when you don't eat as much the side effects affect you way more than they would if you were older with more experience on how to control it.  "Listen Kyle, I don't know why you care about me so much, why you want me to go to silly thing with you, but I don't feel the same. So we are just going to work on this project and then we don't ever have to deal with each other again." I told him. Which right when I told him I regretted it because I felt sadness, hurt, and then anger come off of him. I wanted to take it back but I couldn't, so I just let it be. "Fine," He said through gritted teeth. I gave him a fake smile, and returned to reading. Ugh! Why does this desire decided to make me a bitch? Why do I even care how I treat a wolf in the first place?! What the freak is this guy doing to me?? Which I then heard Kyle get up and leave. That small part of me wanted to go comfort him and apologize for everything I just said because that small part of me wants me to be with him. Which I didn't listen to that part of me, but I did go follow him. 

By the time I got out of class he was no where to be seen. Great I lost him. But then I caught his scent. I don't know how since there isn't any wind in here, but I followed it. It led me to his truck, which I saw him sitting by with his head looking down. All I could feel coming off of him was anger and sadness. Which for some reason it pained me to see him like this. "Kyle! How could you just walk right out of class when we are suppose to be working on this stupid project? I mean you just left me there. I mean yeah I started to read again, but I was trying to finish the last paragraph in the chapter. But right when I finished you were gone. Now please tell me you aren't going to do that every single time when we are suppose to work on something?" I yelled at him. I felt even more sadness come off of him. Why do I keep acting like a bitch to this guy? Why shouldn't you be acting like one to him? He is a wolf after all. This desire to kill is making me think really bad thoughts. I mean I know he is a wolf, but for some reason I can tell he isn't like the other wolves, or the wolves I learned about. He seems like he really cares about me.  "Sorry to disappoint you , but I'm not Kyle. So I kind of have no part in this project." he replied. This just made me more ticked than I already am. Why would he say that?! And what the heck does he mean he isn't Kyle. I could feel my canines becoming sharper, and I know I wouldn't be able to go without feeding much longer, even though I didn't want to go through the guilt again. "What do you mean you aren't Kyle?! You clearly look and sound like him??" "Don't you know that my kind also has a wolf? I'm his wolf." I then looked at his eyes. They were this beautiful shade of blue. That actually made me feel calm.  What happened to his brown eyes though? "  Your eyes?" "Yes, they are blue. Now excuse me but I need to go cool off. " All that calmness I felt by looking into his eyes was then again replaced with anger once more.  "What?! You can't just leave me again! We have a project to do! Ugh!" I yelled at him while he walked off.  I could still feel my teeth were sharp and I knew if I went back into the school I would probably kill the next person I see, so I decided to get in my car and drive to my house. 

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