♥Dinner Under The Moonlight♥

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However, all seriousness aside...I've been really busy this past year with exams.. So I'd like to apologise for my absence...also this is going to be the last story that I will post on this book. However I wont consider it finished due to the fact that I still do watch miraculous ladybug, its just that it takes ages for me to see the newest episode as I live in London so i will not be able to actualy catch up with it as much as others.

As well as that I've been losing interest in miraculous ladybug. Therefore I have slowly lost inspiration BUT - It doesnt mean i'll stop posting, it just means that I wont be posting as much.

Lets get on with the story!!

Sitting outside on her little balcony, the lady of the night stands in waiting of her knight in shining black armor..

"Im so proud of you Marinette..."
Tikki smiles as she places the oh so heavy flowers into the vase...

"Thanks Tikki..." Marinette sighed, opening the door for Tikki as she left to go inside, leaving Marinette alone like a prey in plain sight...

Marinette sighed, looking up into the midnight sky, the breeze slowly caressing her pale, fair skin as if swaying her to sleep...

Silence filled the cold hair....

"Bonjouuuur ma petite dame"
A familiar voice broke the silence..a voice so deep, husky but soft...

"Bonsoir mon chaton...lovely night isn't it?"
The blue haired lady spoke..softly abd calmly...

"Wow...you sure do decorate well my lady..."

"Why thank you Adrien.."
She smiled...slowly approaching him for a kiss...

"For a small balcony..it actually feels romantic..."
Adrien smiled...transforming as Plagg flew out and went inside to meet with Tikki...

Marinette smiled as she sat down while Adrien followed her to sit down at the other end of the table. Marinette started to feel a hot, tingling sensation on her cheeks...it was then she realised she was blushing...

It had been weeks since the reveal of Ladybug and Chat Noir to eachother...but for some reason Marinette still couldnt adjust that the boy whom she had loved for literally ages...was the boy she had "hated" For literally ages. Who knew that Chat Noir was in fact Adrien??

The two lovebirds smiled at eachother and stared lovingly into eachother's eyes - plus Marinette constantly blushing more and more until her cheeds had looked like they were on fire or had just been slapped numerous times...

Adrien realised that on the table, there was food, covered with a metal dome. Upon opening it, he realised that there was a selection of sweet treats and a quiche. The sweet treats varied from Croissants, to chocolate chip cookies, to strawberry cream puffs - oh how gorgeous the sight was indeed to Adrien (#LETADRIENEAT). Adrien could feel the drool dripping from his mouth... Damn was he hungry indeed.

"This looks nice my lady.."
He smiled as he glanced up at her.

Marinette mumbled as she blushed even harder...

"you'd make the puuuuurrrrrrfect wife...Honey..."

Marinette was on fire... Her cheeks were burning, her heart was beating so fast - too fast to count... As well as that, she couldnt mumble a word! She was just shocked at his comment, then again Adrien is Chat Noir...

"Well then...shall we eat my lady...?"

"Alright then Dear"

That comment too..gave Adrien a little surprise... A blush slowly crept up onto his cheeks...

The two then settled down and started to feast on Marinette's homemade treats...

Adrien was absolutely in heaven...

"Gosh these are amazing Mari.."
Adrien chanted with glee, staring at Marinette with a smile on his face.

"T..thank you.."
Marinette managed to mumble... The small words escaping her mouth in tiny breaths...

The two then ate and talked all night..until dawn rose...

From then on, the two would meet at dusk very frequently to talk, eat or cuddle in general...

as that was the only time they could be alone...together...in stillness and quiet...and peace.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2018 ⏰

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