♥Class Doodles♥

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It was a normal, sunny day in Paris... And Marinette was one again, day dreaming about Adrien.... Luckily their teacher was feeling unwell and couldn't teach them today so the class ended up with a cover teacher...

Marinette sat in the class, doodling on a spare piece of paper....

"Its great how Madame Moreau isnt in today!!! We get a full free lesson and this new teacher is so calm!" Alya cheered.

"He's calm because he is on his phone..." Marinette giggled as the two girls turned to look at Monsieur Richards who had his feet on the desk and was laid back in the chair, tapping away on his phone.

Marinette looked back at her drawing and suddenly blushed at what she had drawn...

"Well im gonna go to Nino....are you gomma co-" Alya started but was cut off when she saw the look on Marinette's face.

"Gurl....you look ridiculous right now...whats wrong?" Asked Alya, trying her best not to burst out laughing...

As soon as Alya finished her sentence...Marinette instantly grabbed her drawing and shoved it in her pocket, blushing once more but a darker and brighter shade of red.

"Something is up-OH! What was thaaattt?" Alya teased poking Marniette's pocket.

"N-Nothing! I-I-It w-was nothing!!!" Marinette panicked waving her hands at Alya nervously...

Before Marinette could say another word, Alya took the small piece of paper out of Marinette's pocket and smiled...

"Did someone ever tell you how amazing at drawing you are??" Alya smiled....

"Huh...arent you going to laugh?" Marinette pouted....

"Why would I? Yeah its pretty weird but this is actually amazing Marinette! You sure have artistic skills! The best i can do is draw stickmen but that wont really helpy journalist dream!" Alya responded smilig at Marinette then giving back the drawing, Alya stood up and walked off to Nino...

"H-Hey Alya!!! W-why did you le-"

"Hey Mari!" A familiar voice greeted....

"A-A-Adrien!!!" Marinette blushed looking up at him as he was standing and she was sitting down...

Adrien smiled at her and then noticed the drawing and smiled again, but having a second look at the drawing, he blushed....alot.

"Whats the matter?" Marinette asked with concern.

"N-Nothing! I-I just...L-Love the d-drawing!" Adrien responded nervously..

Hearing the word drawing, Marinette knew what he was talking about... Without hesitation, Marinette shoved the drawing back in her pocket...

Adrien chuckled...

Marinette blushed....

Adrien looked at Marinette with his emrald green eyes...which met with Marinette's cyan eyes which sparkled in the sunlight..

Adrien started to lean in closer...




They were only inches apart from eachother...both blushing, their lips almost in contact with eahother....

Adrien decided to make the move and press his lips against.....a hand?

"ADRIEN KISSED MY HANDDDD OH MY GOSH YESSSSS!" Chloé yelled with excitement!

Weeeeeelll! There it is guys!!! this story was supposed to be up 2 days ago but I ended up having plans! XD I'm really sorry for nor writing in a while and im really sorry this story was so short! Normally i'd write to 1000 words or 900 but oh well! I hope you enjoyed this one!

Bai guys!

~Author Chan

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