LÖDED 3! What Are The Plans

Start from the beginning

"Sure thing, my queen."

Your eyes looked over to where Rodrick was. He was silently watching, his eyebrows furrowed. Shaking your head, shrugging with your hands up and a lopsided smile, he sighed in frustration. Following Heather and her friend, they chatted away as they walked into a store. Forever 18 was the store's name, besides Heather being 16.

Almost immediately, Heather found some clothes to try on. As she headed to the dressing room, you sat against a little seat in front of the entrance dressing room. A plant beside the seat you sat in shuffled, as you looked over.

"What is she doing?"

Rodrick asked, spitting leaves away from his mouth.

"Obviously trying on dresses, moron."

"I'm not a moron."

He said, poking the side of your head roughly.

"Okay, what do you think?"

Heather asked as she walked out with a pink, short fluffy dress. Rodrick hid more behind the plant, slowly behind the seat.

"Your legs look chubby."

You commented, hearing Rodrick snort. Heather gave you a look, shaking her head as she went to try on another dress. A moment later, she walked out in jean shorts with a tank top, cardigan, and belt. She looked pretty cute.

"This good?"

She asked, seeing your cheeks turn a tint pink.

"Yeah, looks pretty- nice."

A smile appeared on her face, before it disappeared, and went to change again.

"Well, the color isn't as nice as I thought! Plenty more clothes to try on!"

You groaned, rubbing your face. Rodrick tugged your head back, making you force your eyes on him. You swear, your neck could've snapped.

"Is this whole day just gonna be Heather trying on clothes?"

"I wasn't planning it."

"Well, at least I can see her in various outfits."


Startled, (M/n) and Rodrick looked forward. There stood Heather, eyes glaring into Rodrick. If looks could kill...well, he would've been dead a long time ago. Rodrick rised from his hiding spot, arms wide.

"Heather! So good to see you, how are you?"

Rodrick asked, walking to her and casually shaking her hand.

"Have you thought about hanging out sometime?"

He asked with a glint of hope in his voice. Heather growled, poking his chest harshly.

"You have no reason to be here. AND FOR THE FACT THAT YOU RUINED MY SWEET SIXTEEN!"

"Didn't you say you wanted that day to be memorable?"

Heather gave (M/n) an angry bull like look, as (M/n) shrugged.

"Do you both know eachother?"

She asked, rubbing the bridge of her nose in order to attempt to calm down. Then she immediately held a finger up to shut them before they could respond.

"No no no. Forget it."

Rodrick lightly petted her head, as she slapped his hand away.

"DON'T. Touch me."

It seemed like forever when her friend walked out of the dressing room, holding a handful of clothes.

"I am just going to go home now. I don't want to experience another migraine from either of you both, it's even worse with you idiots both here."

She and her friend then walked of the store, tossing the clothes onto the rack as it fell to the floor.

"Heather, wait!"

Rodrick quickly exclaimed, trying to catch up to her, (M/n) following along. But as they came to a halt outside the mall, their car already drove away, the tires screeching. Watching as the car drove away, (M/n) smacked the back of Rodrick's head.

"Thanks alot for ruining this, dirt-rick."

Well, perhaps that could be his official name now, probably forget. Rodrick rubbed the back of his head, punching your arm.

"I wasn't the one who drove them away from a bad odor."

"Looked in a mirror lately?"

"Read a book lately?"

Glaring at each other, they both walked home to their houses. Every time they were walking at the same speed, they tried walking more faster.
Finally arriving at their home from the torture, (M/n) went to his front porch, knocking on the door. Waiting for the door to open, he looked over at the Heffley's house. Rodrick walked into his house, closing the door behind him.

A few seconds later, you were let in the house. Greeting your parents, you decided to browse the internet, boredly playing games like Tetris or Pac-man. Then you gave up on the wonderful internet, looking at some of the books you had. And then ended up cleaning your room. There wasn't anything to do at all.

"(M/n), honey?"

Your mom called out, knocking on your opened door.

"Oh, yeah mom?"

"We were wondering if you would like to go with us to see a movie."

Looking up at her, you smiled.

"Yeah, I'd love to. Maybe we can go out to eat afterwards."

"Good idea. Let's go."

She said, walking downstairs. Tossing a sock into the dirty laundry bin, you ran down the stairs, walking with your parents to the car.

"I can't believe the Heffley's also planned to watch a movie at this exact day!"

Your mother exclaimed. Blinking, you could feel the comfort leave your body.

"Remember, we'll be meeting them at out seats."

Your father added, starting the engine. God, please don't tell me we're gonna do stuff together. The thought of Rodrick dragging you to certain situations made you exhausted. You didn't plan seeing them again at all to be honest. Stupid social life.

Phone ringing, you looked down at your phone. A text from Heather.

Heather: I'm inviting you to watch a movie with me. We are going to see 'Damp Lights' together. You better be here.

'Damp Lights?' That one horror movie? Not knowing how to respond, you then got struck by a thought. You and the Heffley's were going to watch 'Sunny Rays,' which is a pretty cheesy movie. You'd rather go watch a movie with Heather. Bonus for Rodrick having to be there if you stayed.

"Hey, mom? I changed my mind-"

"No honey, you agreed and we're going."

She turned and gave you a certain smile.

"And it stays that way."


Leaning far into your seat, you had to make a plan. Maybe make an excuse to go to the bathroom or sneak away. Or maybe find something in here to make a dummy. No, nothing in here at all. Oh!

Try and find a way to sit far back from your parents and the Heffley's, then go and leave. Your parents loved cheesy movies, that they seem to be hypnotized by it to not focus on anything else. Maybe that could work. Wait, but if being hypnotized and sitting next to them, they won't notice you anyway. But something tells you Susan or Frank Heffley would try to have a chat with them to have then out of their senses, and realize you were gone.

Will this even turn out right?!

D.O.A.W.K: LÖDED DAYZ (Rodrick x Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now