Mild Amnesia // Chapter II

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"Woo! Road trip!" Stu exclaimed as we drove on the highway. I took a bottle of beer from Phil's hands and rolled my eyes at him still begging Doug to let him drive.

Alan stood up from his seat and started screaming "Vegas! Vegas baby!"

I wanted to pull him down so he doesn't fall out and kill himself leaving us with Tracy's wrath. A little blonde girl flipped him off and that made me and Phil burst out laughing. Alan noticed us laughing and mimicked while sitting down.

"You're nuts." he said to the girl.

Phil pushed me playfully onto Stu and gripped the back of Doug's seat. "Come on, just till Barstow! Everyone is passing us!"

"Absolutely not." Doug protested while lifting one hand off the steering wheel. "I promised Sid. I will be the only one driving this car. Besides, you're drinking."

"What are you a cop now?" Phil defended. "You know I drive great when I'm drunk."

"Yeah, better than when he's sober." I chimed in while Phil just sent me a glare which made laugh even more.

"True." Stu finally spoke up. "Don't forget, Phil was always our designated drunk driver."

Doug sighed and turned to his future brother in law. "You wanna explain it to them, Alan?"

"Guys, my dad loves this car more than he loves me, so, yeah."

"Aww, whatever. I left my wife and kid at home so I can go with you guys." Phil whined. "Do you know how hard that is?" There. I could recognize that tone of his. Hard, my ass.

"That's really sweet." Alan tipped his head back.

I sighed, but I got what Wenneck was trying to say. "He was being sarcastic!" I exclaimed as if it was the most thing.

"Dude, Chlo is right! I fucking hate my life." Phil started ranting and I knew what was coming. "I might never go back. I might stay in Vegas."

"Don't mind if I join you." I finished and tipped the bottle of beer I was holding. He gave me a half smile before leaning back and pulling me close to like he did in the school parking lot.

"Here we go." Stu prepared for more ranting.

"Doug, enjoy yourself because come Sunday you're gonna start dying just a little bit every day."

"Makes you wonder how he didn't when got engaged." I mumbled. Oh, wait, that may only be me. Stu nudged my arm and sent me a weird look.

"That's why I managed to stay single all this time, you know?" Alan threw himself into our conversation. That's a smart sentence, Alan, but I think that wasn't your choice...

"Cool. Good to know."

"Am I all right over ther, Alan?" my brother asked interrupting this awkwardness.

"Yeah. You're good." he responded and Doug streered into the right lane, bur jerked the car back when a truck honked and went by us fast.

The three of us in the back seat almost started full on yelling at Alan, but Doug was the loudest one. "Aw, Jesus Christ!"

"That was awesome!" Alan laughed like a child.

Stu exhaled sharply through his nose. "That was not awesome! What's wrong with you?"

"That's insane. We almost just died." I gritted through my teeth while keeping a stern expression.

// // // // //

In this relatively quiet gas station the only sound drilling into my head was Phil's potato chip crunching. I stood between him and my brother looking at Alan who was yelling at an old guy who was interested in the Mercedes.

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