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A/N: So I don't know if I will ever write another one but I wrote this and thought I'd post it. If I ever do write another I'll post it. So here it goes, I don't have a name for it but if anyone has any good ideas I'm all up for it:

What’s the point in life,
When all one ever feels is
Hated, unloved.
Why would you want to live
When everyone makes you cry?
If all they ever see you as
Is dirt!
They treat you as a slave!
They hit you and shout,
You protest against it,
But they never hear your word.
The blame for everything is always put on you.
And you have to stand there and take every word,
Every insult,
Like a knife through the heart!

 It hurts,
It kills,
You begin to slowly vanish.
Your world changes,
You change!
But no one notices
You act brave and happy,
But inside you’re weak and helpless!
You put on a mask to hide your emotions,
But one day when it slips,
Every one judges you...

A/N: Thank you for reading it. It meant a lot - truly it did!

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