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I let out a gasp, as I shot up from the bed. My hair was sticking to my forehead, and my palms were sweaty. I place my hand over my chest and start to try to calm my heart down. I grip on the sheets to stop my hands from shaking, but the effort was useless.

"Lumos." I look over at George as he points his wand at me. I flinch as I look at the bright tip of his wand, and shake my head. You're home. Home. home. Home.



"Like always." George sighs and places his wand down on the bed so he can wrap his arms around me. "I.. It was just so much." He kisses my temple and I close my eyes, letting his warm touch fill me up with comfort. I bury myself in his arms, reminding myself that I was safe. That we were all safe, and will forever be safe.

"Narcissa told us what had happened. Draco had to be held back by one of the Aurors so he wouldn't go kill your father." His hand continues to rub my arm, and I focus on keeping my breathing to normal. "Your dad... He doesn't look stable,love. They have him at St.Mungo's for some testing but other than that, he's off to Azkaban once again.. I'm sorry for leaving you that day."

"No.. no.."

"B, I should've told Lee."

"George stop blaming yourself. I thought I had lost you." I mumble, feeling my throat tighten.

"No no.."

"I just wanted him to stop from hurting you and Abella.. When we went home.. Draco and my mum were waiting for us already."

"How did he know you were at the shop.. Alone?"

"He used the veritaserum on Draco. I don't know where he got some. All the supplies were destroyed in the war, and although Slughorn could've made some more, I just don't understand how he got inside of the castle."

"Didn't your brother go back?"

"He did... but i doubt he got it, George.."

"The more you tell me you doubt your brother did so, it makes me think he did.What if Lucius threaten to hurt you Belen, your brother will give his life for yours."

"As would I.." I mumble, looking at the closed door. "But I'm sure he wouldn't have gotten it.. He already knew da--Lucius was set on something.. There was no way that Draco gave in that easily." But there was a big chance that he did. Draco was afraid of my father.. The both of us were, in our own way. Draco was the pride and joy of our family that was until our sixth year, but i continue to believe that he didn't gave in so quickly.

"Try to get some sleep. My mother is visiting tomorrow, and you know how she gets when we don't get enough sleep." I nod, but continued to sit there, not being able to move.

"Where's Abella?" I asked him, looking around our bed, where she would usually be laying down. I move the blanket from my body and stand up, wondering if I had woken her up.

"Her bed... you didn't wake her up if that's what you're worried about."

"Can you get her here?" George says nothing but nods and walks to her. I lay back in bed, and sat up, waiting for her to walk through the open door.. There was a few whispers and a small okay from Abella and then her loud stomps.

"Come here love." I call out to her as she climbed the bed, George following her. "I love you, Bells."

"Me too, mummy." Kissing her forehead, she lays down between George and I, closing her eyes and drifting back to sleep.

"I love you." George whispers, pushing the strand of hair from my face. I close my eyes as his palm continued to cup my cheek and smile.

"As I love you."


The girl in the mirror looked back at me, her lips turned down into a frown, and her skin pale. Her light hair was all over the place, knots upon knots. The door opens behind her and a tall man with red hair stands right behind her. His arms wrap her thin figure and places a kiss on her cheek.

"You're ready?"

"No." He turns me around, my back facing the mirror and he makes me look at him.

"Now I know my sister is going to hate it if you're late." I sigh and make my frown deeper. "I told you to sleep earlier."

"I was watching the show with Abella, and ordering more things." George turns around and grabs the dress that I was suppose to be wearing already.

"Come on, wedding can't happen without one important person."

"I'm going. I'm going." George smirks and wraps his arms around my waist again.

"Need help putting it on?" I gasp and smack his chest as he hollered in laughter, my cheeks turning as red as hair. "It's not like I haven't ..."

"GEORGE WEASLEY!" He continues to laugh as I continue to blush furiously. "Out! Out!" I kick his behind and he laughs as he walks out the door.

"Not to long my love!" I close the door shut, giggling as I lean against it. I stare at the mauve colored dress, waiting for me to actually put it on. I did my hair very quickly, putting it in a low bun and letting a few strands to crave my face. Slowly putting on the soft fabric of the dress, i looked at the scars that littered my arm and my collar bone. I take a deep inhale and slowly exhaled.


"Coming!" I smile at my reflection, the girl stared back at me, her mouth had turned upside down, her cheeks gotten color and her hair was elegantly put up. Her pale skin contrasting the color of the dress she was wearing, the pale brown lines showing off to the world. "I'm coming." I whisper once more before closing the door to the room and walking to my family.

"Ready?" Ginny turned around, grinning as I walked to her and hugged her tightly.

"Hey hey, careful. We don't want a baby too soon." I patted my stomach and rolled my eyes.

"Still too small. Let's get you married, Ginevra."

"You wore it." I look behind my shoulder, catching eye with Hermione who walked hand in hand with Ron.

"Got to break of the shell some day right?" She nods and I give her a hug, carefully not ruining her hair. I look around the crowd that had gathered around Ginny. Her parents, her brothers, Hermione and Little Teddy who played along with Abella, running around in their own elegant wear.

"I think if we wait any longer, Harry is going to pass out." Neville entered the small room, while fixing his tie.

"Alright, I got to go." Ron gives his sister a hug and a quick kiss to his girlfriend before heading out to be next to his best friend, waiting for the bride. Hermione grabs my hand and together we exit the room to where we were suppose to stand.

"You think they're going to be okay?" Hermione asked during the ceremony, as Harry stared at Ginny as if she was the water to survive the desert. The stars that directed him to safety. I look over at George, as he winked at me, and continued to listen to Kingsley. Hermione giggles beside me, and we all began to clap as they were pronounced husband and wife. Molly wiped her eyes, her mouth in a wide grin, as well as Arthur who looked at his daughter with such adoration. I look at the empty seat, that contained the picture of Fred, along with a few more that were for those who were so close to Harry.  I looked at him once again, his grin flashing to show everybody he was the happiest man alive. 

"Yeah.. in fact, I think we all are." 

Okay, so this is it! I'm sorry i ended it so suddenly. There WILL BE extra chapters till June. Any of them you guys would want to read? A few will totally be the birth of George and Belen's first born, possibly the first year of Abella at Hogwarts. Next chapter will be the Epilogue for the story. Thanks for hanging around! <3 

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