Empty Chair

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"Its so good to see you." was the first thing i heard from Fleur when i entered the packed front room. Everybody looked at me and the miracle of their son and brother was out of his room. I look at George and he hugs his older brother, not letting go of my hand.

"Its so good to see you too. How have you been?" She grins and nods.

"Good." I give her one last hug before looking at her husband.

"Bill." He looks down at me and smiles, shaking my hand.

"Belen Malfoy. I thought i would never see you again."

"Well, i don't quite like the idea of staying in a dark manor by myself now." he chuckles.

"And your brother?" Ron lets out a rough and obviously, forced cough as he talked to his sister in law. Hermione hits his arm, making Bill give out a chuckle.

"He's out and about with his friends. I got my own friends here, so yeah." he repeats the same thing his wife said and he walks towards his parents, giving them both a big hug. I sit on the couch, George taking a seat next to me. I look at the entire family reunion and the change their faces gave just because George came out of his room and Bill came over just for the heck of it.

"You okay?" He asks, moving a piece of hair from my face. I nod and smile at him.

"Belen, come help me and my mum in the kitchen." Ginny says smiling, her eyes not leaving on the little space there was between me and her older brother. I nod, standing up and looking at the twin.

"Live without me for a few minutes." I said, smiling, earning a loud laugh from him. I rush towards GInny and Hermione, making our way to the kitchen.

"Oh, Belen dear, thank you so much." Molly says, wrapping her arms around me. "You seem like the only one that can make him move from his room, and even laugh once again. Oh how I miss hearing his laugh. He just isn't the same anymore." She gives her daughter a small look and i hug her once again.

"We all changed, Molly. Even if it took the lives of people so important to us, we will be better." She nods, and lets me go so she could wipe some of her tears.

"Your words mean everything to me, dear." I smile, and Hermione gives me a hand squeeze. "Now, you three ladies can help me put the food on the table. I did hear that maybe my Charlie might be coming over, and his appetite is just like Ronald's." Ginny laughs, grabbing a bowl of mashed potatoes and walking to the long table. I grab the chicken, which was a terrible idea, since Ron's head looked up and faced me like a hunter looking at its prey.

"Wrong choice of help!" George yells, making his family laugh. Molly passes by me and smiles oh so widely. Ron is standing in front of me in less than 30 seconds, already grabbing a leg.

"Can't you wait till i actually put it down the table?" He looks at me sadly, but shakes his head. I roll my eyes at the ginger boy and place the plate of chicken on the table, without being attacked by another Weasley.

"Okay, dig in." Arthur says, grabbing a piece of chicken for himself. I take a quick move to sit next to Ginny, but Harry roughly, and hopefully playfully, pushes me towards the other empty seat. I throw a glare at the couple and they both just smile at me innocently. My brother would be more innocent than those two right now.

"I think my sister really wants you to be next to me." George whispers as i take a seat. He passes me the plate of chicken and serves me some potatoes.

"I know, and she put Potter to join her."

"You can sound like Draco from time to time, and I don't know how i feel about that." I chuckle and just shrug.

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