Chapter #4: Guns aren't hard to use when you have friends to help you

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The days in school started passing really quickly tnx to now my new friends. My bound where growing deeper with each of them. We where hanging out a lot. And that's how I find out that my past bullies weren't that mean. For example Claire was funny person, very popular with the boys and good with logic and math. Ada was the one who was following Claire's steps just like Jill but they weren't funny, they were popular with the boys and good with planing. And that was making Claire's team. Rebecca was the one who know a lot about nature and how to make medicine out of it. Sheva was always for fun and action just like Heather. But Heather was more for something dangerous. Leon was the popular one because every girl was into him, but I got to say that he was really handsome. Chris was overprotective around Claire, but good brother and friend.

How the time was passing in school it was time to open new books about guns and knifes and many other staff that were part of our studies. Everyone seem excited about that. But not me. I was scared that I will do something bad and embarrassed myself in front of everyone. But Leon was always there to remind me that something like that won't happened as long as he is there. And I pretty much believed him.

We started learning about guns and how to use them right away.
Since than it past 4 weeks and from day to day I was becoming better and better at using them and aiming them. Thanks to someone but you'll find out in the end.

But to be honest I wasn't good at it from the beginning like some of my classmates were. I was more of... Hmm... how could I said that, a clumsy one.

With that said I will probably never forgot how teacher was happy to teach us about the guns and pistols and knife's and how to use all of that. He was so happy that he literally knock the door down and as an excuse said that we are so awesome class and that he can't wait to start teaching us. Hole class laugh at his action. Even me.

And how about the part when the teacher give us to hold the pistol, bad idea. For me the pistol was to heavy. So I accidentally pull the trigger and shot the apple that was on teachers desk.
After the bullet hit the apple, I started shaking from fear. When Claire and Leon saw that they quickly run up to me and started comforting me. Again hole class laugh imitating me and how scared I was. Expect me, Leon, Claire, Ada, Jill, Chris and the teacher. "You should say that the gun was loaded!" Leon yelled at the teacher. On that teacher just chuckle and with calm voice said: "Mr. Kennedy I said not to point the pistol at anyone you should already figure out it was loaded, after all I would never give you guys an empty pistol. So what did we learn for the next time Ms. Redfield?" Claire just look at me and answer: "It's better not to touch the trigger while we are in classroom." "Correct." That were his last words before the bell ring for us to go home. I was so embarrassed that day, but here doesn't stop the things that I did while learning how to use pistols, guns and knife's.

Or maybe the time when the teacher was teaching us how to shot with the gun in the training gym. Once again bad idea. As I said from the beginning I was clumsy one when it comes to holding the gun. It was again to heavy for me to hold it, but I menage somehow to hold it. But little did I know that I wasn't holding the gun proprietary. So when I aimed the gun and shot I flew away falling on my back. Thankfully Leon was there and when he saw me on the ground trying to get up he quickly run towards me and held me out his hand to get up. I took it and when I get up he pull me into big hug. He said: "You need to be more careful. You worried me when I saw you on the ground." After he let go of me I look at him confused. Did I really worried him that much, I mean I just flew to the ground and hurt my back, but nothing serious. Seeing me look at him confused he just smile and said: "let me show you how to shot proprietorially." I didn't say a word but let him lead me.

Or that time when teacher teach us how to use a knife in hand to hand combat. Finally something easy to hold I thought to myself. And it was easy to hold it but to attack with it. I mean come on for a clumsy person like me even that was hard. You are asking what happened here. Well how about I tell you that two guys were beat up on the ground. And don't get me wrong I didn't beat them up. So here is what happened. I was a clumsy girl holding a knife and fighting with two boys who were my partners to train with. So when they started swinging knife's towards me I get so scared that I let out a small scream, but enough loud that Leon and Chris hear it. When they look towards where scream was coming from, they saw me and two boys ready to beat my ass up. Chris run in front of the boys and Leon run up to me and move me aside. And that's how the boys were laying on the ground beat up by Leon and Chris. After the class was over I stop the Leon and ask him can we talk. He accepted and ask: "About what?" I was quite for a moment but than said: "Listen Leon thanks for saving my ass today, but.... you know....." "Any time." He smile at me before his smile fade away looking into my eyes. "But what Clara? What's wrong?" He look at me with those eyes who I knew exactly what they said. He was getting worried and probably thinking about any worse thing that I might say. "You know I can't expected you to save me every time when it come to the training. It makes me feel more clumsier than I am." Before he answer he let out a deep sigh of relief. "Damn woman, you gonna get me a heart attack! I thought it was way more serious than that!" "I am sorry." I look at the ground, but than he put his hand on my shoulder and said: "How about I teach you how to use guns, pistols and knife's." "That would be great." With that we end that day.

As the days were passing,
with Leon's help I was getting better and better. Even tho I sometimes know "accidentally" repeat the same mistakes, but just to make class laugh.

When I was talking with Steve about my mistakes before I learn it proprietorially. He would started rolling on the ground laughing his ass off. Which he knew that I wasn't happy about. But he would always said: "Sorry princess, but you are so cute when you are mad I just couldn't resist." I would every time blush so bad that I just couldn't stay mad at him.

The worse day was when the teacher come to classroom who didn't have the door because the teacher wrack it. And said: "Tomorrow will be the day when all of you will be put in groups and going on your own first mission. Good luck everybody."

"OH NO!" I said to myself. Before I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I turn around and saw Leon. He said: "Don't worry everything will be just fine."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2018 ⏰

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