Chapter 1: Song Ji Hyo

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This is about me. My name is Song Ji Hyo. I'm currently 17 years old. My birthday is on 20 July. My hobby is drawing and reading books. I have 4 best friends, Jeon So Min (So Min), Han Hyo Joo (Hyo Joo), Park Ji Soo (Ji Soo) and An Ha Zel (Ha Zel). I'm studying at Seoul International high school. I'm obsessed with kpop songs and drama. My idol is Sana from Twice and Jackson Wang from Got7.I admire Yoo Jae Suk very much.

Jackson Wang:

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Jackson Wang:

I don't ship them but it's just coz I idolize them

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I don't ship them but it's just coz I idolize them.
Okay....that's about enough for me to introduce myself.We are devided into 2 division, the morning session and the afternoon session I'm in the morning session. So, this is our outfit.
Formal outfit:

Formal outfit:

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Boys outfit:

That is just a brief information for my school's outfit

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That is just a brief information for my school's outfit.
One morning,
My alarm clock went off at
5:00a.m. It was time for me to wake up and get ready to school. I woke up and went to take a shower. After showering, I dressed myself and went to prepare breakfast. My breakfast is a toast with strawberry jam with a cup of milk.
My breakfast:

After eating breakfast I went to do my hair

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After eating breakfast I went to do my hair. I did a simple side hair braid for today.
I used a little bit of lip tint for today.
I walk to school since its only a few minutes walk from my house.

[At School:]

I met up with my friends at the school gate.
We entered class together after putting our stuff at our lockers.
I'm really lucky today cos I saw my crush, Kim Nam Joon at the cafeteria!
Kim Nam Joon is a Sunbae at my school.
After school ended, me and Ha Zel decided to go to the library to find information for our project.
And OMG!!! I saw Nam Joon oppa at the library studying History while using earphones. He's so handsome!!!
But I wandered why would Nam Joon oppa study because he always score the highest in every exams. I heard that his IQ is very high.
I walked past him since I didn't want him to notice....But I realized that as I was walking past him, he was looking at me while I walked past him!!!
I squealed in my heart!!
Ha Zel found a unoccupied seat so we decided to sit there.

[After few hours:]

We finished finding information,so we decided to go back to our dorm.
After we parted(we were staying at a dorm, but different side of dorm), it was then I felt that someone was following me...
I thought it was a rapist or stalker so I ran as fast as I could to lose them. But the footsteps behind me sounded faster each step I take. The footsteps behind me caught up to me and I quickly used my taekwondo attack-defense move on him. But he blocked it. With a handsome face he smirked and said "That move ain't gonna hurt me"
I was shocked hearing that special voice of his. I recognized the voice because the voice belongs to Nam Joon oppa! I couldn't believe my eyes.
"I've never spoken to him before how does he know me?" I said in my thoughts.
"Oh my goodness! Oppa you scared me." I said to him.
"Oh pardon me, but at library you've dropped your history notebook so I've come to return it to the rightful owner. I see that your name is Song Ji Hyo, class 1-A."

"Errr.... kamsahamida for coming all the way here just to return me my book."

"Its okay, I have that habit of returning a person's belongings ASAP. AND also I wanted to ask I've been seeing you staring at me for no reason....could you perhaps love me?"

My mind was literally blank for a moment.



[NamJoon's POV:]

OMG who does this girl think she is?!
I'm famous in SIHS for my grades and standards. I can't just love anyone or be in a relationship with anyone who is BELOW MY STANDARD.
This girl, Ji Hyo is WAY BELOW MY STANDARD. I will not be in a relationship with such a girl.
I have to reject her in a nice way so that she won't cry.
She has guts to confess to me, the almighty me....

[Ji Hyo's POV:]

What did I just blurted out!!!
Ji Hyo babo yaaa!!
Damned mouth of mine!!
I would have been fine even if it's only myself that knows!
If he rejects me.....The world is over for me...!!! T^T
But what if he accepts me...?
Then my love would be LAHVE..!!

[Back to story:]

"I'm sorry Ji Hyo hoobae...But I can't accept your love to me....I don't have a girlfriend nor a girl I'm interested in but its just that I can't accept your love....
I'm truly sorry...
But we can still be just friends...
*smiles* "


"Its okay oppa.....I understand that...Thank you for returning my book to me....*forced a smile* "
Ji Hyo walks away so did Nam Joon.

[Nam Joon's POV:]

Yasss I've rejected her in a good way right...I'll just walk away like nothing happened and by tomorrow everything will go back to normal.

[Ji Hyo's POV:]

After walking a few steps,I began to cry as I stopped walking...
I cried till I arrived at my dorm.

The next chapter will be posted on next week...

A/n: Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading my fanfic.I'm really sorry if there are any grammar or english mistakes

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