Episode 6: "A New Mystery"

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Happy clip of Malina sitting in a chair. A lady makes her look beautiful. She's narrating while makeup is applied to her, "I can't believe it! The potion is finally complete, so I'm super excited to meet Kuzco again. I've been up for countless nights just thinking about what to say. This is just so exciting." (her voice is bright and happy)

Malina confidently struts out of the door.

Kronk, "ready!

Yzma, "Why are you so happy,"

Kronk, "Woah, woah, Yzma, I thought you...died.

Yzma, "No way. Linguini tried to kill me, but he trapped me in a box. I just got set free by some dude in a leather jacket. Anywho, what happened to him"

Kronk, "executed"

Yzma, "great!"

Malina, "never in my life have I met people celebrating an execution."

Yzma, "We're.. special."

Malina, "I've noticed"

Malina, "Well, Let's go,"

Malina enters a room where Kuzco is laying dead.

Malina, "Yeeee!!! So excited."

*pours potion*

Malina "Hey, Kuzco."

Malina *concerned*, "Kuzco ," *crying*

Malina, "Kuzco, come on, be alive."

Kronk on phone, "All the reviews for the potion say it works great. Five stars.

Malina crumbles to the ground in her fancy clothes. "Kuzco! I need you. Come on!"

*walks away, crying,* Malina, "What's the point guys, let's go."

Kronk, "What about Kuzco,"

Malina, "We'll bury him tomorrow."

Kronk, "but...

Malina, "Forget it, it's useless."

*crumbles to the ground even lower*

Scene change

*PAUSE*Sits on a bench reading a book

*firemen are going crazy*

Malina, "What's going on?"

Fireman, "Didn't you hear, Kuzco's alive...*cuts off*

Malina, "What!! Where is he!"

Fireman, "Over there. He said he was searching for a hottie hot hottie??? Um... Oh, he also brought Linguini back to life somehow. We are currently searching for him too."

Malina, "Well, can't you get Kuzco."

Fireman, "I will, but it takes time for me to walk with all these dumb people asking me questions."

Malina, "Can I help."

Fireman, "No.."

Malina- "Please, he's my fiance."

Fireman, "No."

*Fireman runs away.*


Malina chases them down the empty road.

Fireman holding Kuzco as he fights- "I got him"

to Malina- "I want Kuzco hung, he's an awful leader. Corrupt and bratty.

Malina- "what?!?!?!?!?!"

Fireman- "That's my opinion. He has no care for the citizens. None. Zip. Zero. Your mushy-poo lover isn't gonna get away with that."

Malina- "Can I see him? You can't just take him away and try to kill him."

Fireman- "No."

Malina- "But..."

Fireman, "No buts.'

Fireman walkie talkie, " Yes, we got Kuzco. Nice work fellows. I'll try to arrest him. After, pizza's on me."

Fireman, "better luck next time, cheerleader. (mumbles) idiots"

*Malina bolts into her high home*

Malina *stressing, emotional* "I can't believe I'm doing this. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh."

*steps into window. About to jump*

Malina, "Alright, here goes. Three.. Two.....one.." *notices ring, stops*

*Fancy camera work. She kneels, and then drops to the floor in sadness.*

*super emotional scene.*


Fireman and Kuzco scene

Fireman- "all we need to do is kill ya, and not let the government know. Then, I'll be cool, you'll be dead, and we'll all go to heaven in a little rowboat. "

Fireman with poison- "hold still!!"

Kuzco- "No Touchy,"

Fireman- "If you're gonna sass me like that, you can go sit in the corner."

Kuzco- "Well, you probably shouldn't be touching me, 'cause first of all i'm the most fabulous emperor in the world, and the last time someone touched me I threw them out the window."


Kuzco *shocked* - "Hey, you threw off my groov... wait.... I'd know that ignorant resistance anywhere! You're no fireman, youre ....Youre Linguini."

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