Episode 1: "The Dead Dude"

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*in a graveyard* *Kuzco's voice only*

Kuzco- "Hey, you may be wondering why you are seeing a grave. And rain. And sadness. Well, this is me. To be exact, MY grave. M..

*Theme song starts to play* "He was the greatest to rule until he died one day...."

Kuzco: *interrupting* "Woa, spoilers, music department. .I should show you some important stuff first, like how I died first. Roll the clip!"

*Kuzco walking in the forest*


Kuzco: "Hello, and welcome to my channel. Starring me! Kuzco! So leave a like. Go ahead. But no dislike-y. Oh, and subscribe, and get the latest on the king of the world, me! Anyways, I was just talking a walk, in the woods, all alone.. wait, alone!?

*pulls out phone*

Kuzco- Pacha, you need to help me right now, i'm alone in the woods...No, Kronk and Yzma aren't here, hence the "i'm alone in the woods"... what do you mean you can't right now?.. *mocking* oh, Chaca and Tipo have their little squirrelly thing.... What? I didn't say anything about a camel...I SAID NOTHING! PACHA! STOP! I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING."

*hangs up phone*

Kuzco- Ugh. Stupid peasants with bad hearing. *sigh* "well i guess it's just me, my camera, and the..open..woods...


Kuzco- "aGH! I need to get out of here!

*runs away*

*gets hit in the face with a frying pan*

Kuzco- *dizzily* no..touchy...

*video cuts to black*

*play theme song*

A week later

Malina depressed-"wanna go grab some Pizza to get our minds off things."

Kronk- "Sure, let's go to Linguini's Pizza Pizzaz. That was Kuzco's favorite place. Then afterwards I can make my legendary spinach puffs."

Yzma- *nose sigh*That's a lot of food..."

Kronk- "Oh, Yzma! When did you get here?"

Yzma- 'I was here the whole time, you fool!"

Malina- "Why would you mourn his death if you wanted to cause it yourself?"

*Malina sniffles in a tissue*

Yzma- "All I wanted was to become empress, but I can only do that if I murdered Kuzco. Kuzco dying isn't fair. I should have killed him, and taken over his crown. But I didn't. I'M SUPPOSED TO KILL HIM. me."

*opens the restaurant door, everyone walks in*

Linguini- "Welcome! Hi Malina. Hi Kronk. Hi ugly unidentified purple woman. You can have a seat right here. Menus for you."

Sit at a table, looks at menues.

Kronk- "well, what we know so far is that there was a frying pan at the site.

Malina (still really sad) "what about the s-...Riders?"

Kronk- "You mean Strider! That's my bro, Aragorn...

Malina death stares.

Kronk- "you mean Flynn Rider and Rapunzel, don't you."

Yzma- "I've always admired their work with frying pans."

*Kronk pulls phone.*

*They study it*

Malina- "It looks like he was found in the Black Pond Hiking Trail, right near the Incan Independence memorial bench."

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