Bullies ~ Steve And Bucky

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You just had the worst day. It was horrible. Well for you, school was just horrible either way. You get bullied at school. It's not just simple insults, they beat you up. They are smart enough to not do that thing in public though. Almost every day they take you away. They pull you to a place where nobody can see or hear you. They always make sure that there is no solid proof of what they did to you. Today wasn't like the others though. Today they did something, something you wished you could just remove from your memory.

It all just started the same as every day. They pulled you away and shoved you against a wall. They threw some punches and kicked you. There was no point in fighting back since they were with 6 and you were all alone. It all went like it did every time until suddenly they pinned you to the wall. One of the boys started pulling of your shirt while another tugged at your pants. You cried out for them to stop, but they just covered your mouth and hit you in the face, telling you to be quiet. They pulled your pants down and one of the boys started taking his own pants off. By then you were shaking with fear and even though you knew it wouldn't do anything, you tried to fight back. I am guessing you know how it went from there. They raped you.

Right now you're just sitting against the wall. The wall where it had happened. You sit there crying and shaking. Your breaths are short and timid and heartbreaking sobs wreck through your body. You're scared, so freaking scared. You want to leave, but you were too weak. On the other hand, you don't want to leave. You don't want anyone to see you in this state. You don't want to seem weak. You are sitting there, hoping for it all to end, hoping the pain and fear will go away, but it won't. You sit there for another hour, sobbing and shaking like the mess you are.

Suddenly two men walk in your direction. Not directly at you, just in the direction of passing by you. You try to quiet yourself down, but you just can't. As the men walk closer to you, one of them notices your shaking figure sitting against the wall. They quietly walk up to you and you get to see a clear image of the men. One of them has short, dirty blonde hair and the other has brown, shoulder length hair. They both are really tall and buff. The blonde haired man looks down at you concerned and crouches down in front of you. "Ma'am are you okay?" The blonde asks and he reaches to touch your face. You flinch away and start sobbing and crying again. "Please don't hurt me. No more, please." You say quietly trying to scramble away from the men as far as possible. Fear is just the only thing you feel right now. The men share a worried glance. "Ma'am, we're not here to hurt you. What happened to you?" The brown haired man asks you in a calm voice. You hesitate before telling the men what had happened. They offer to take you to the police office so they can do something about it. You quickly react with a shaking voice telling them no. You don't want to think about it anymore. You need someone to lean on, someone you can trust. You start having a panic attack as your breaths become faster and faster and it feels like there is a bus parked right on top of your chest. The men notice this quickly and they both know that this isn't okay anymore. They know that you need help. They both sit on either side of you. The blonde one pulls you into his chest. He rubs the back of your hand as he holds it and makes sure you sit against him. The brown haired man starts to do breathing exercises with you to calm your breathing. At first you try to escape from them, but then you suddenly get a feeling of comfort. A feeling of finally for once being safe. You calm down a bit and start crying. The brown haired man pulls you into a hug and you sob into his shoulder. The blonde rubs soothing circles on your back. After some time you've finally stopped crying and you feel a bit better.

The men pull you to your feet to see if you can stand. When they let go of you, you almost collapse to the floor immediately, but the blonde man catches you just in time. The blonde picks you up bridal style and he carries you to their apartment. He lays you down on a soft bed and pulls the covers over your tired body. "Get some rest, you deserve it." The brown haired man says. You smile. "You know, I haven't even caught  your names yet." You say. The blonde smiles. "This here is Bucky and my name's Steve. Alright, what is your name?" He asks me with a sweet smile. "It's Y/n." You say. "Well Y/n, that is a pretty name for an even prettier girl." Bucky says. You smile and thank him. They tell you to get some sleep and leave the room with the lights off. You snuggle into the blanket and just for a moment forget about what happened today.


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