Focus ~ Chris Evans

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You're going to Comic Con for the first time. You're extremely excited but you're most excited for the interview you're going to. It's an interview with Chris Evans, Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan.

The day finally arrived. You quickly got out of bed, you took a quick shower and put on your favorite (Y/F/C) shirt and some shorts. You ate breakfast and packed your stuff. Ready to go!!

*Time Skip*

You finally arrived at Comic Con. You went to buy some merch. You bought yourself some shirts and other stuff. Then the moment finally arrived the interview was next.

You got yourself a seat at the front row. The host called out the names of the boys and they came up on stage one by one waving at the crowd. After a little while of interviewing, you managed to catch Chris Evans staring at you. Someone asked him a question but he didn't notice. Sebastian snapped him out of his thoughts by slightly slapping him on his shoulder. "Distracted by something, huh?" He said, sarcasm clear in his voice. Chris ignored Sebastian and answered the person's question. The interview went on, but Chris still seemed to be distracted by something. Also you still caught him on sneakily staring at you sometimes.

As the interview ended you spent some more time at Comic Con. At the end of the day you decided to go home.

As you're walking up to your car you hear someone yelling and running after you. "Wait, wait!!" The person yelled before arriving at you. As soon as you take a closer look you know who it is. It's Chris freaking Evans standing right beside you!! "Uhhm.. Hi" You said nervously. "Hi, I saw you at the interview and well... You kinda were the one distracting me with your beauty and I'd really like to know your name." "Well thanks, good to know that." You say slightly chuckling. "And my name is (Y/N) (Y/L/N)." "Well nice to meet you (Y/N). Thats a really nice name!" Chris says. "Thanks!" "You're welcome. Now I'd really like to get to know you a little bit more (Y/N). Would you like to go for a coffee with me tomorrow morning?" Chris asks. "Yes, I'd love to!! Where do we meet and at what time?" you ask. "Maybe you can give me your phone number, I'll text you the place and time." "Sounds like a plan" You say, smirking at his smooth move. You guys exchange phone numbers and say goodbye. You get in your car and start driving home, knowing tomorrow will be the best coffee date ever.

This is my first imagine I ever wrote, so I'm sorry if this is extremely bad XD. If you have any requests leave them in the comments and let me know what you think!! Xx


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