Finally opening up

Mulai dari awal

"Simon, you are-"

"Gay? Yes, I'm... I'm s- so sorry I didn't tell you, I was afraid that y-you wouldn't accept m-me! This was because of Josh, Freya, stress and the Y-Y-Youtube comments!" I finally manage to burst it all out! I felt...more happy from this.

"Simon...I don't care if you're gay, I wouldn't look at you differently, you're still my best mate no matter what! I understand, humans go through this stress but please....don't let this interfere with your life! If you have a problem please! Tell me! I want to h-help" he started to cry again,
"don't do this to yourself, you don't deserve to be like this, you deserve to have a more happy life.  Fuck the comments, look at the positive ones, there's more of them than the ones you're actually focusing on.  I love you more than anything I don't want you hurt.   If you need help with YouTube just tell me. I-I can help!  Just, please, talk more, and I can help!"

"What happens if it gets worse? I love Josh so much and I can't help it, Freya doesn't make it any better, she's so mean."

"Fuck Freya, I'll agree, she isn't nice. Sometimes it's meant to be, sometimes it isn't. We all have these feelings, Simon. You just need to contr-"

"Josh and I kissed..."

Shit. Why did I say that? Fuck, I couldn't help it, it slipped out. I could see Vikk looking at me, tears still coming down but shocked.

"W-what? When?"

Fuck it, might as well tell him since it's all out now.

"A couple of days ago, when Freya and him broke up, he was drunk. He came into my room and kissed me, telling me that he loved me. He hasn't spoken about it, so he must not remember."
I start to sob again.

I felt Vikk hold me tighter,

"Oh, Simon...I'm so fucking sorry, I couldn't imagine the pain."

He let go of me to get a tissue from his pocket, giving it to me.
I smile at him. Why is he caring so much? Well, it is Vikk after all.

"You can get through this Simon, you're strong. If you...ever feel like this again, please...come to my room, talk to me. I'll try and make you feel better, it may not be much but shit i'll try my hardest! You're not alone Si. You're never alone"

I look at him, wiping my tears away with Vikk's tissue,

"I'll...I'll talk more" I agreed with him.

"You promise?"

"I promise"

Vikk has really made this sound easy, but it helped me out, I feel like a load of weight just lifted off my shoulders, this was the best feeling ever. I just came out to Vikk, this was amazing.

"Thank you, Vikk. I needed to get that out" I say, still sniffling.

"You will always be my best mate too bro, please, don't tell Josh any of this, the drunk kiss, the crush. Anything. He'll hate me and plus, he's straight"

"Of course, your secrets are safe. But Simon, Josh won't hate you, he'll always have your back too, no need to hide."

"Thank you, Vikk. I owe you a whole bunch. I know but, he will see me differently"

"Please, you don't owe me anything, I wanted to help out"

Vikk says whilst going into the cupboard and grabbing a bandage.

"He won't see you differently, he's your best mate and always will be. You don't have to open up your feelings to him but don't think like that"

I smile but it was a genuine smile, no fakes, nothing. I felt happy.
Vikk holds my arm up and starts to bandage me up, he suddenly says
"Also, you know, Josh is bi"

What?! He'!

"Wait, what?!"

"Yeah, didn't you know?"

"No...I didn't bother to ask"

Vikk smiles,
"You might have a chance."

I shake my head. "He's back with Freya, I have no chance"

"Well, you never know, a drunk man's talk is a sobar man's thoughts"

he said whilst cutting off the end of the bandage.

"All done!"
He says, smiling at me.

"Thank you, Vikk. Really. I mean it."

"No worries at all. Just, talk to me, please. If you're ever feeling like this. I'm always here."
I nod in his direction, smiling at him.
I see him checking his watch.

"Shit. Hey, I've got to record some videos with Lachlan and all that, I'll see you soon. Remember, shout on me if you need help...please."

He pats me on the back and walks out of the room, walking back up the stairs.

I stand up, looking at my arm, but smiling. I've never felt this light in a long time. I got things off of my chest. Finally. Since I'm in a good mood, i'll make videos too, so I walk over to the sink, clean my things away and feeling like my normal self.
I came Vikk. Wow. This feels great. I...I...

I couldn't even think of words to describe it but I finally felt better.

Hey guys!!!! This is a pretty long one! Sorry if you don't like long ones (that's what she said), I didn't know how to cut it short!! Also, I'm really bad at this kind of stuff so I'm sorry if it didn't seem right, i'll get better, I promise! Also, please comment if you like this kind of themes (it's self harm, of course you don't like it but ya know what I mean) anyway! I really hope you're liking the updates, talk soon. BYEEEE!

MiniZerk was always real..Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang