"Bye, Barry," I said as he opened the door. He chuckled and started to walk out.

"Bye." He shut the door behind him and I smiled and shook my head. He was someone I could easily get used to. I got attached to him in a short amount of time. 

I finished up my breakfast and got ready for work. I didn't do much to my hair today. It was wavy and looked presentable, so I left it be. I wore a black top that had black mesh sleeves with black polka dots. I wore blue jeans and a black belt to match my outfit. 

I drove to S.T.A.R. Labs and walked into the Cortex, greeting Cisco and Caitlin. Dr. Wells rolled in and I greeted him too, sipping the coffee I took with me that Barry made. I sat at one of the computers and listened to Cisco rant about the movie he watched last night. But somehow, Cisco's rant turned into a conversation about Barry and I's relationship.

"You know, Aspen, I haven't seen you around much. It's almost like you've been spending a lot of time with Barry." Caitlin accused, narrowing her eyes like she was assessing me.

"Caitlin, I do the same thing every day. I come here after a trip to Jitters, then I sit here and wait for Barry to speed in so he can tell us what metahuman attacked. Then I walk back to my lab and do research. What more could I do?" I listed the agenda of my days and she nodded, agreeing with me.

"What about after work? You have a good few hours until you go to sleep." Cisco continued to push and I chuckled, not knowing what to say. "You know, Caitlin, I saw her wearing Barry's jacket the other day."

"Aspen Brooks!" She gasped and I placed my hands on my temples and rested my elbows on the desk. "I've noticed you don't address Barry as Mr. Allen anymore." I scoffed and shook my head in amusement.

"I do to his face. I do it to annoy him." She smiled at me. "Oh. My. Goodness." I looked up at Dr. Wells and he was smiling at the exchange.

"Why can't you just admit it. You and Barry are dating." She sang making me shake my head in denial.

Barry, please speed in here and save me from the torture.

"I better be a big part of the wedding." Cisco continued as he leaned against the seat. I shook my head and shut my eyes.

"Fine! Barry and I are dating!" I finally admitted because I couldn't take the constant interrogation. The two next to me cheered and I rubbed my temples in agony.

"Baspen is happening!" Cisco yelled, lifting his fists in the air like he just won something. "I have to make t-shirts."

"No." I objected, making Caitlin laugh.

Finally, a gust of wind ran in and Barry sighed as he looked around at us. He was holding something in his hand and his eyes found Caitlin.

"Hey, Cait, can you test this for me?" He asked, holding up the tube of some liquid. Caitlin got up and walked over to him, examining it.

"Sure. Asp, wanna help?" She asked, turning to me. I stood up and nodded, following her. Barry and I passed by each other and he smiled down at me, making me smile along with him. We walked into Caitlin's lab and she placed it in one of the machines while I sat on one of the chairs.

"What is that?" I asked as she pressed one of the buttons and looked over at me.

"I'm not sure." She smiled at me as she sat down in her seat. "How have you been? It seems like we haven't seen each other in a while." She smirked at me like she knew my days were occupied by the one and only Barry Allen.

"I've been good," I spoke quietly, nodding. She smiled and shook her head and I sat up. "Have you heard from Ronnie?"

"Yeah, we talked last night." She said, rubbing her palms together. "He's doing good." 

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