Chapter One

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Hiya Everyone! I  really hope you all like this story! I have worked very hard so far, to create this. I hope that you have a lovely time reading this! 


I stood there. In complete awe. The city that I knew, was turning to complete dust right in front of my eyes. Families and groups of survivors ran out of the clouds of dust. Who thought that those people could've been us. My expedition team, one of the 500 teams that searched for people in the almost abandoned city. We only survived thanks to Sam.

"Come on. We've got to report to head council." Sam Spoke, motioning for everyone to come with him. I just stood there. In complete silence. I heard footsteps, then an arm around my shoulder, I still stared at the crumbling city, the clouds of dust starting to settle, from the bomb. I had no idea who was standing next to me until they spoke.

"Alice, I know this is where you used to live. But we have to go, I'm not going to let you sulk. Now come on, we have to get back." It was Sam, surprisingly. I looked up at him and nodded slightly, then brushed his arm off my shoulder, walking away and catching up to the group. Sam ran ahead and directed our group to where we were supposed to be heading.

In our group, we have 9 people. Sam, Zane, Issac, Jamie, Emery, Jack, Jeffery,

Bailey, and I. Sam has black hair, that's shoulder length and covers one eye. He has grey eyes, and is pretty pale. He is also 19, and keeps to himself, barely ever speaking with the group. Zane is 17 and has medium lengthed brown hair, the tips dyed red. Zane has green eyes, and is really tan.

Issac is 20, and he always complains about him not being the group leader since he is the oldest of us. Issac has red hair and brown eyes, plus, a lot of freckles, and he's very pale, since he is full blooded Irish. Jamie is 18 and is dating Issac, she has blonde hair that was long, but she cut it on accident- I don't even know how- so she cut the rest off to shoulder length. She has hazel eyes and is fairly tan.

Emery is 16 and has pink hair, originally blonde, and blue eyes. she is somewhat pale, but usually gets burnt easily. Jack is 19 and has brown hair and crystal blue eyes, and is tan-ish. Jeffery, the really stubborn one who hates when we call him jeff, is 18 and has short blonde hair, freckles, and green eyes. He has fair skin and keeps to himself mostly, but I do too. Bailey being 8, and the youngest, has fair skin, pretty blue eyes, and brown hair.

I have black hair and violet eyes, one of the rarest colors of eyes in the world. about 6% of the worlds population have violet eyes, so I feel unique. My hair is wavy and reaches my waist, but I usually keep it in a ponytail. I have really pale skin too, and am 18. I am like the older sister of bailey, and pretty much protect her from the zombies. Yes, we are in a zombie apocalypse. I'm not even kidding. I know it sounds cliche and stuff, but it is true.

How it happened, well, a scientist, experimenting on someone who donated their body to science, long story short, they spilled chemicals and toxins on them, didn't realize it, and when he was sleeping at his home, the damn thing got out and infected people in the lab, patients in the hospital it was in, and got out, infecting people on the streets.

And after about 75% of the city was radicalized, they sent out expedition teams to lead survivors to safety. And that's how we have Bailey, Emery, and Zane, though he lost his own expedition team.

I look up from the ground, after thinking about this, and see headquarters. I look to Bailey, who smiles up at me and grabs my hand. I manage a smile, then look back up at the massive building. As we arrived to it, Sam pressed his hand to the sensor that was on the wall, and the door beside it opened.

The RadicalsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora