Chapter #2 Day

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I can't help but smile. The aching pain in my chest went away, and now June's in my lap. This girl, she's special. I don't remember our past, but I'm falling for her all over again.

I suddenly remember Tess is expecting us. I get up fast, catching June off guard.
"What's the rush?" She asks.
"Tess, she's gonna kill me." I run my hand through my hair, trying to decide the fastest route.

June grins,"That makes the both of us."

She tries to hide the fact that she had forgotten too. I give her a playful punch. Then I turn around and start and start to scale the building again, as I hear:
"Get over here, right now Day!"

I retrace my steps and come back to June.

"We're taking the elevator." She says.

"Fine, goddy lungs." I say, to no one in particular.

Right when the elevator dings I run out.
"Race ya!"

June grunts in frustration and races after me. She passes me with ease, and I'm running as fast as I can. Must really be out of shape. We reach the  door at the end of the hallway and Im catching my breath.

"You were running like 100mph." Her tight pony started falling down a little. And I get a flashback. In the image I could see a girl with her dark hair in a sagging ponytail, dirt all over her face, blood all other her hands, crying. She was looking over me. It was June. I try to hide my shock, best I could, hoping she didn't notice.

"Something like that." She grins. "Commander of all squadrons here in L.A., June Iparis, nice to meet you." She stretches out her hand in a joking manner. She didn't notice, good.

"Haha very funny." I roll my eyes. June steps in front of me and rings the door bell. Tess answers almost immediately.

"Happy Birthday June!" She yelps and pulls June into a tight embrace. They started chit chatting right away. I don't think she noticed I was even here.

Wait. She said happy birthday. If I had only known I would've gotten her a gift. I'm so glad Eden stayed behind. I quickly take out my phone and text him.

Today is June's birthday
Please stop by a jewelry store and buy her the prettiest necklace you can find.
I'll pay you back later

June moves on to the other man in the room. A wave of jealousy goes over me, and suddenly I'm drowning. He's oddly familiar, but I can't place him anywhere in my memory.

Tess breaks my train of thought.
"DAYYY!" She yells and hugs me so hard I almost fall over. Thanks to the wall behind me I didn't.

"Hey cousin! I missed you so much!" I reply. A warm feeling floods my whole entire body as I hug her back, expect the bottom half of my left leg.. thats metal.

A jumble of words come out of Tess, and I happen to understand none of them.
But June comes to my rescue and cuts in,"I'm starving, let's go eat."

"Ok" Tess hurries over to the table to start setting everything up. June was about to help her but she noticed me just standing there.

She takes me by both of my hands and leads me to the couch and cuddled with me for about five minutes. I wished her a happy birthday, and she blushed. I was about to kiss her, not caring about everyone around us, when the man June called Pascao spoke up.

"Hey pretty boy, don't I deserve a proper 'hello, how are you'?"

I turn around, hopefully my face shows the expression of 'clearly annoyed about to punch you in the face'. Not gonna lie, I forgot he was here. And I force out "Hi, how are -"

The door bell rings and interrupts me. June hurries to open it.

This is just a random pic I found that I thought looked a lot like Day so.. yeah.

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