12.5 - "Don't Make This Difficult."

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(Bayley's POV)

"There're at least fifteen different possible locations," said Detective Inspector Lestrade. "And that's the most narrow we can get at the moment." He looked to John, Mary, and myself. "She gave no other information? No more details? Specific structure?" His brown eyes looked exhausted. I'll bet this work is the reason he's got so much gray hair going on.

"None, she gave us what Rachel gave her," I said, slightly irritated.

We were in the Detective Inspector's office. Sherlock refused to come to Scotland Yard with us, so Mary decided to let him babysit Rosie. I couldn't picture Sherlock with a baby, but apparently Mary and John trusted him enough.

"What options do we have, Greg?" asked John.

"Best thing until it's narrowed down more is to pick and choose, and see what happens."

John scoffed. "Oh, come on. There's got to be a more efficient way to do this!"

"Unless you've got a better idea, by all means, please, say something!"

"Gentlemen, please," Mary called them to order. "We need to focus on finding Rachel and Amanda." She looked to Greg. "Send out a bulletin."

"It'll tip them off!" I exclaimed.

"Moriarty most likely already knows we're looking for them. Besides, he won't think too much of Scotland Yard searching. He won't think they're worth worrying about, no offense, Greg."

"None taken," said Greg. "I think."

"If Sherlock comes back with something, we'll let you know," said John.

"Has he come back with anything new?" I asked.

"No text, so no."

I groaned in frustration. "Hand us the addresses, we'll start looking ourselves," I said to Greg.

"These aren't all close together," he told me.

"Doesn't matter. My fiancée and her best friend are being held in the hands of a vile man. Right now, they could be dead." I looked at Greg pleadingly. "Don't make this difficult."

The detective inspector sighed. "All right, I'll print you out the addresses. You better hope you know what you're doing."

"Believe me, Detective Inspector, I do."

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