laSh tAggEd

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thanks daddyknj :)))boredjeon ♥️♥️

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thanks daddyknj :)))
boredjeon ♥️♥️


1. who wakes up first in the morning?
ash said he never sleeps, so he wakes up first ig?

2. who takes longer in the morning?
i think me lol

3. who apologizes first after an argument?
me probably.

4. who said i love you first?
i think ash did.

5. who mentioned marriage first?
ash did (': we've talked about it once before

6. who makes all the decisions?
me ig?

7. who is the messiest?
we're both really messy lol

8. who wears the pants in the relationship?
me ig cuz it means makes all the decisions

9. who is more into their looks?
neither of us lol

10. who spends more money?
me, cuz all the band and game and dan and phil merch

11. who likes to shop more?
we don't shop lol

12. who has the biggest wardrobe?
lol we don't even know

13. who is grumpier in the morning?
14. who does more cooking?
i cook a lot, so me?

15. who is the better driver?
we don't drive??

16. who cleans more?
ew no, neither lol

17. who gave the first kiss?
we've never kissed lol

18. who made the first move?
ash, cuz he asked me out?

19. who does the dishes?
ew chores, neither

20. who does the laundry?
once again, we're too lazy lmao

21. who is a bed hog?
lol both

22. who is always running late?
me lmao

23. who takes a longer shower?
ash, cuz i take really short showers lmao

24. who is the biggest baby when they get sick?
ash, but i bet he's really cute when he's sick (':

25. who mows the lawn?
we're too lazy lol

26. who holds their liquor better?
lmao neither ew

27. who has the best taste in dancing?
lmao neither, we don't dance

28. who has the best taste in music?
both, we both listen to great music lol

i stg-

we're not married (yet) ((;

but some of these questions lmao




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